Ash Wednesday 2018
Let us amend for the better the sins we have committed in ignorance; lest suddenly seized by the day of death, we seek time for penance and be not able to find it. * Harken, o Lord, and have mercy, for...
View ArticleGood News for the Rebuilding of the Basilica in Norcia
Several Italian newspapers and agencies reported yesterday that, after many months of debate and discussion, the Italian government has signed off on some of the official arrangements necessary to...
View ArticleLiturgical Objects in the Pitti Palace in Florence
The Pitti Palace in Florence was originally constructed by a banker named Luca Pitti in the mid-15th century, but purchased by the Medici family in 1549, and greatly enlarged. Francesco I, the second...
View ArticleLecture by Dr. Peter Kwasniewski in Naples, Florida, Saturday, February 24
To our readers in Florida, I am happy to announce that I will be out there in the Naples area next weekend to give a lecture on “Reconnecting with Tradition: The Church’s Hope for the Future.” The...
View ArticleEF Mass for St Peter’s Chair in Fords, New Jersey
A Solemn Traditional Latin Mass will be celebrated for the feast of St Peter’s Chair, Thursday February 22nd, starting at 7:00 p.m., at Our Lady of Peace Church in Fords, New Jersey. The church is...
View ArticleDurandus on the Liturgical Customs of Lent
The following selections are taken from William Durandus’ important liturgical commentary, the Rationale Divinorum Officiorum, book 6, chapter 27, which treats specifically of Ash Wednesday, but also...
View ArticleThe First Sunday of Lent 2018
At that time, Jesus was led by the spirit into the desert, to be tempted by the devil. And when he had fasted forty days and forty nights, afterwards he was hungry. And the tempter coming said to him:...
View Article“The Fingers that Hold God”: The Priestly Benefits of ‘Liturgical Digits’...
As a liturgical theologian, I am keenly interested in the question of how little points of ceremonial have an effect on what we believe is happening at Mass. For it is not simply the text that counts...
View ArticleFlorentine Street Shrines - Will Today’s Della Robbia Please Step Forward?
When I was studying portrait painting in Florence several years ago, I was struck by the charm of the old street shrines that can be seen built into the walls of the narrow streets all over Italy. Many...
View ArticleRoman Pilgrims at the Station Church 2018 (Part 1)
Lent is upon us, and so it is time once again for the daily pilgrimages to the station churches in Rome. This will be the fifth year in which our friend Agnese shares with us the photos which she takes...
View ArticleMore on the Ancient Liturgy of Jerusalem
We recently shared a video of Dr Daniel Galadza’s presentation of his book “Liturgy and Byzantinization in Jerusalem”, which was given last month at the Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky Institute of...
View ArticleEF Solemn Mass for the Second Sunday of Lent in Santa Rosa, California
Our friend Fr Jeffrey Keyes has written in to let us know about the following. “I have been at the Cathedral of St Eugene for two years. In that time, I have celebrated an EF Missa Cantata each Sunday....
View ArticleDurandus on Lenten Veils
Last week I posted some excerpts from William Durandus’ Rationale Divinorum Officiorum, the parts of his treatise on Ash Wednesday which explains the general Lenten customs which begin on that day....
View Article“The Fingers that Hold God”: The Priestly Benefits of ‘Liturgical Digits’...
I introduced this series (Part 1) with a brief story about how, having noticed the custom of the holding together of thumb and forefinger at the traditional Mass for many years, I decided to ask a...
View ArticleCMAA 2018 Colloquium in Chicago, June 25-30
The Church Music Association of America is returning to Chicago in 2018! Our last Chicago Colloquium was in 2009; since then, the Sacred Music Colloquium has been held in Pittsburgh (2010, 2011, 2015),...
View ArticleFour Old Classics in New Editions
As NLM readers will have figured out by now, one of my pasttimes is to find good out-of-print Catholic books and republish them. I also enjoy doing better editions of books that are in print but are...
View ArticleRoman Pilgrims at the Station Churches 2018 (Part 2)
We continue our annual visit to the Lenten station churches in Rome with our friend Agnese, this year joined by Fr Alex Shrenck. In this post we see the famous relics of St Peter’s Chains at the...
View ArticlePortable Altars & Roadside Shrines
Recently David Clayton recommended that Catholics think seriously about ways to decorate with holy imagery buildings, gardens, businesses, and other places where non-Catholics might see them and either...
View ArticleNew ICEL Translations in England and Wales for the Chrism Mass
Readers of NLM may be interested to know that the Liturgy Office of England and Wales has just announced that the English and Welsh Bishops' Conference has received the recognitio for use of the 2016...
View ArticleThe Second Sunday of Lent 2018
Behold the odor smell of my son is like the smell of a plentiful field, which the Lord hath blessed. May my God increase thee like the sand of the sea, * and grant thee blessing from the dew of the...
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