One Last Burial of the Alleluia
From the church of St John the Baptist in Allentown, Pennsylvania - with our thanks!“Here lies the Alleluia” - a very nice touch.
View ArticleSolemn Mass for Vocations Celebrated in the Pantheon
Last Friday, a solemn votive Mass for Vocations was offered at the Pantheon; this event was organized by Tridentini, a newly formed group of students from the Roman Pontifical University who gather...
View ArticleWhat the Difference in Disagreements Can Teach Us
In the world of the usus antiquior, we find certain disagreements. Here are some examples:whether orchestral Masses (e.g., Mozart’s) should be performed, or whether they run contrary to the spirit of...
View ArticleSaints of the Roman Canon: St Agatha of Sicily, February 5th
Yesterday was the feast of another Saint of the Roman Canon about whom we know very little, beyond the fact of her existence and her martyrdom. Nevertheless, St Agatha is one of the most highly...
View ArticleThe Restored Chapel of St Turibius at the Josephinum
As we reported last May, the chapel of St Turibius at the Pontifical College Josephinum in Columbus, Ohio, recently underwent a very significant restoration and de-wreckovation. Our previous post...
View ArticlePriest and Server Training for the EF in England This April
The Latin Mass Society of England and Wales will be holding a residential training conference for priests, deacons, seminarians and laymen wishing to learn to celebrate or serve Mass in the...
View ArticleThe Feast of St Romuald
The incorrupt body of St Romuald was transferred to the church of St Blaise in the Italian city of Fabriano on February 7, 1481. Pope Clement VIII added his feast to the general calendar in 1595, in...
View ArticleThe Catholic Faith, A Religion of Both Word and Symbol: Guest Article by...
Once again, we are very happy to share a guest article by Veronica Arntz with our readers. Veronica earned her Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Arts from Wyoming Catholic College, and is currently pursuing...
View ArticleSacred Liturgy Conference in Salem, Oregon, July 27-30
Schola Cantus Angelorum is pleased to announce the sixth annual Sacred Liturgy Conference that registration is now open for its sixth annual Sacred Liturgy Conference, to be held July 27-30, 2018, in...
View ArticleMusic for the New Spanish Missal - Conferences in DC area
In April, the United States Bishops publish the Third Edition of the Roman Missal in Spanish. To encourage congregations and choir directors to learn the music within the “priest’s book” and join in...
View ArticleCandlemas Photopost 2018 (Part 1)
We received almost twice as many submissions for this year’s Candlemas photopost as we did for last year’s, in part, I suppose, because last year it was in the middle of the week; we will therefore...
View ArticleMass for St Peter’s Chair with Bishop Schneider
On Thursday, February 22, the feast of St Peter’s Chair, Bishop Athanasius Schneider will celebrate a Low Mass at the Immaculate Heart of Mary Oratory, at Five Wounds Portuguese National Church, 1375...
View ArticleCandlemas Photopost 2018 (Part 2)
Once again, we thank you, our readers, for sending in these photos of your Candlemas liturgies. This one is a bit longer than part one, since we received three late submissions (not a problem, of...
View Article“Liturgy and Byzantinization in Jerusalem” - Book Presentation by Dr Daniel...
Last month, the Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky Institute of Eastern Christian Studies in Toronto, Ontario, welcomed Dr Daniel Galadza for a presentation of his book “Liturgy and Byzantinization in...
View ArticleQuinquagesima Sunday 2018
Since we are about to undertake the holy fast of Quinquagesima, as is the custom, we should know that what soap gives to the body, fasting confers on the mind of a Christian. It purifies the filth of...
View ArticleHoly Matrimony, Sanctified Bodies, and Sacramental Grace
In our times we have seen the important work of Pope John Paul II on the “theology of the body” misunderstood and applied in a superficial and, at times, morally problematic way. One example is a claim...
View ArticleA Young Nun Tells Us How Wearing the Habit Helps Her to Live Out Her Vocation
The following is an essay written by one of the sisters of a community in Santa Rosa, California, called the Marian Sisters of Santa Rosa. She is a seamstress for the community, and part of her work is...
View ArticlePhotopost Request: Ash Wednesday 2018
Our next photopost will be for tomorrow’s celebration of Ash Wednesday; please send your photos (whether of the Ordinary or Extraordinary Form,) to for inclusion. We...
View ArticleForgiveness Sunday in the Byzantine Rite: Guest Article by Philip Gilbert
As we begin the Roman Lent, we are happy to share with our readers this guest article by Mr Philip Gilbert on the first ceremony of Lent in the Byzantine Rite, Vespers on the Sunday of the Expulsion of...
View ArticleEF Missa Cantata for 2nd Lent in the Bronx
The church of the Holy Rosary in the Bronx, New York, will have an EF Missa Cantata on February 25th for the Second Sunday of Lent, beginning at 1pm. The church is located 1510 Adee Avenue; see...
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