Benedict Sheehan’s Ukrainian War Requiem, Reviewed by Thomas Neal
Today marks the third anniversary of the invasion of Ukraine by Russia. We are honored to share this review by our friend Thomas Neal of a recording of the Ukrainian War Requiem, commissioned by the...
View ArticleEcce Homo - A Genre of Devotional Art Inspired by Thomas à Kempis’ Imitation...
A painting from the House of Leiden Collection, Leiden, HollandAlbrecht Bouts (Leuven 1451/55 – 1549 Leuven), and studio‘Behold the Man’, c. 1500(Oil on panel 41.8 x 27.1 cm’)Jesus then came out...
View ArticleTwo Soldiers Advance to Sainthood
The Dicastery for the Causes of Saints issued a decree today recognizing the “offering of life” of two men who served in the military of their respective nations, the American Army chaplain Fr Emil...
View ArticleRepertorium Project Unearths 4,000 “Lost” Chants
A medieval chant manuscript in a digitized negative for scanningIn one of the better uses of technology (and EU funding), the Repertorium project is an effort to utilize “a set of AI-based tools to...
View ArticleCatholic Folk Piety - A Defense by Philip Campbell
I think our readers will find this video by the ever-wise Phillip Campbell of the blog Unam Sanctam Catholicam very interesting (like all his work). It is a defense of Catholic folk piety, which is to...
View Article“Close the Workshop: Why the Old Mass Isn’t Broken and the New Mass Can’t Be...
hardcover on the left, paperback on the rightI am delighted to announce to NLM readers that my new book from Angelico Press, Close the Workshop: Why the Old Mass Isn’t Broken and the New Mass Can’t Be...
View ArticleA 14th-Century Illuminated Psalter
Here is something I stumbled across recently from the website of the Bibliothèque national de France (Fr. 13091), a psalter made at the end of the 14th century (ca. 1386-1400) for Jean, the Duke of...
View ArticleCall for Papers for a Conference on Palestrina
We are glad to share this call for papers for an international online conference to be held at the end of this year, in honor of the fifth centenary of the birth of the great Giovanni Pierluigi da...
View ArticleThe Byzantine Gospel of Forelent
The Byzantine Forelent consists of five Sundays, of which the first four are traditionally named for their Gospels, but the season builds up much more gradually than the Roman one does. The first...
View ArticleQuinquagesima Sunday 2025
Truly it is fitting and just, right and profitable to salvation, that we should always and everywhere give Thee thanks, o Lord, holy Father, almighty and eternal God; and beseech Thy majesty with...
View ArticleA Vindication of St Pius X on Sacred Music and Perspectives on the Church in...
Os Justi Press is pleased to announce a pair of new releases.First, in the “Studies in Catholic Tradition” series, we have Dr. Patrick John Brill’s The Great Sacred Music Reform of Pope St. Pius X: The...
View ArticleThe Great Canon of St Andrew of Crete
In the Byzantine Rite, today is the first day of Great Lent, traditionally known as Clean Monday. As I have described before in various articles, it is the long-standing custom of the rite that the...
View ArticleDavid Clayton to Speak in Tyler, Texas, Tuesday, March 11th
The Way of Beauty - Spirituality for Creatives and Creativity for AllMarch 11th, 6pm at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, 423 S Broadway, Tyler, Texas Reception to follow across the street at...
View ArticleConcilium’s Attack on Confession (Part 4.1): Mortal Sins Before Communion? No...
On Shrove Tuesday of last year, we began a series which Mr Phillip Campbell, author of the blog Unam Sanctam Catholicam, has very kindly shared with NLM. It is the result of his investigation into what...
View ArticleWhat Might Christ Say to Us in the Confessional?
We enter today into the chief penitential season of the Latin Church’s liturgical year. After the loosening up of the 1960s, it isn’t very penitential anymore, although one might well think that Ash...
View ArticleAsh Wednesday 2025
Dómine, non secundum peccáta nostra, quae fécimus nos: neque secundum iniquitátes nostras retríbuas nobis. V. Dómine, ne memíneris iniquitátum nostrárum antiquárum: cito antícipent nos misericórdiae...
View ArticleConcilium’s Attack on Confession (Part 4.2): Mortal Sins Before Communion? No...
This is the second part of an article which we published on Tuesday, Mr Phillip Campbell’s investigation into what the writers of the “progressive” theological journal Concilium were saying about...
View ArticleCardinal Roche Repudiates Traditionis Custodes
Ever since Traditionis Custodes was issued more than 3½ years ago, its defenders have struggled to come up with a rationale for why it was issued at all. This is hardly surprising. The motu proprio...
View ArticleHappy Feast of Saint Thomas Aquinas
Today is the traditional feastday of St. Thomas Aquinas, Common Doctor of the Catholic Church, Patron of All Catholic Schools. March 7 is the birthday of the Angelic Doctor into eternal life, at the...
View ArticleThe Station of the First Friday of Lent
Many of the stories that form the corpus of Lenten Scriptural readings in the traditional Roman Rite are frequently depicted in frescoes in the catacombs, and on early Christian sarcophagi. We may...
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