EF Candlemas in Brooklyn
The church of the Holy Name of Jesus in Brooklyn, New York, will have a solemn Mass in the Extraordinary Form for the feast of Candlemas, featuring Tomás Luís de Victoria’s Mass O quam gloriosum. The...
View ArticleHappy New Year from the Artists in the Sacristy
Before we get too much further into the new year, we should catch up with some things from the old year, some more of the ever-popular amice tie designs made by our friends of the Marian Sisters of...
View ArticlePast Articles on Septuagesima
Tomorrow evening, the season of Septuagesima begins in the traditional rite with Vespers, which are celebrated in violet; two allelujas are added to “Benedicamus Deo” and “Deo gratias” at the end,...
View ArticleThe Church of St Francis Xavier in Lucerne, Switzerland
The Jesuit church in the Swiss city of Lucerne, dedicated to St Francis Xavier, was built from 1666 to 1677, one of the great Baroque jewels of the 17th century, and like most churches in Switzerland,...
View ArticleAnnouncing the 2018 Norcia Summer Theology Program
William Blake, JobFrom June 17–28, 2018, the Albertus Magnus Center for Scholastic Studies, in partnership with the Monastero San Benedetto, will hold its seventh summer theology program in Norcia,...
View ArticleThe Feast of St John Chrysostom, and Mozart’s Birthday
Although the Christian names most commonly used in reference to Mozart are “Wolfgang Amadeus”, he was actually baptized as “Joannes Chrysostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart.” The first two of these...
View ArticleSeptuagesima Sunday 2018
The Lord said to Adam: * Of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, thou shalt not eat; in the hour that thou shall eat thereof, thou shalt surely die. (The antiphon of the Magnificat at Vespers...
View ArticleEF Candlemas in Jersey City, New Jersey
On Friday, February 2nd, a Solemn Mass in the traditional rite will be celebrated at St Anthony’s Church in Jersey City, New Jersey, starting at 8:00 p.m, beginning with the traditional blessing of...
View ArticleWho’s Afraid of Predestination?
Not the Roman Catholic Church, who prays in her central prayer, the Roman Canon:Hanc igitur oblationem servitutis nostrae, sed et cunctae familiae tua, quaesumus, Domine, ut placatus accipias: diesque...
View ArticleWhere Can Catholics Learn to Paint or Carve Icons? Go to Hexaemeron.org
I am often asked for recommendations of classes that would be good for Catholics to learn traditional iconography. One place to consider is Hexaemeron.org, which has just announced the first of its...
View ArticleIgnatian Retreat in Allentown, NJ, Feb. 17-19
Father Hernan Ducci of the Fraternity of Saint Joseph the Guardian will preach a Lenten retreat based on the Ignatian Exercises at the Church of Saint John the Baptist, located at 1282...
View ArticleByzantine Subdiaconal Ordination in California
On December 31st, St Peter Eastern Catholic Church in Ukiah, California, welcomed His Grace Benedict Aleksiychuk, the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Bishop of Chicago, to celebrate the ordination of one of...
View ArticlePreaching from the Propers of the Mass — An Example from Ireland
(I post the following with the kind permission of Dom Mark Kirby, O.S.B., Prior of the Benedictine Monks of Perpetual Adoration at Silverstream Priory in Ireland. It first appeared at Vultus Christi....
View ArticleThe Island and Basilica of St Julius
On both calendars of the Roman Rite, today is the feast of St John Bosco, who was canonized by Pope Pius XI in 1934, and added to the general calendar very shortly thereafter. However, his feast was...
View ArticleBurying the Alleluia 2018
Many of our readers will have heard of the various customs related to the removal of the Alleluia from the liturgy on Septuagesima Sunday. In the Roman liturgical books, this is done in the simplest...
View ArticleEF Candlemas in New York City
On Friday, February 2, at 7:30 pm, there will be a Solemn Mass in the Extraordinary Form at the Pontifical Shrine of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, located at 448 East 116th Street in New York City. The...
View ArticleThe Byzantine Rite of Ordination (Minor Orders and Subdiaconate)
On Tuesday, we published photographs of the ordination of Mr Philip Gilbert, who received the orders of candle-bearer, reader, cantor, and subdeacon from Bishop Benedict Aleksiychuk, the Ukrainian...
View ArticlePhotopost Request: Candlemas 2018
Our next major photopost will be for tomorrow’s feast of Candlemas; please send your photos of the blessing of candles, the procession and the Mass to photopost@newliturgicalmovement.org for inclusion....
View ArticleThe Presentation of Christ and Purification of the Virgin 2018
Let the gate of heaven be opened today; for the Word of the Father, that is without beginning, having taken a beginning in time, leaving not His divinity, as an infant of forty days is willingly...
View ArticleDominican Rite Missa Cantata in Oakland, California, Tomorrow
A Dominican Rite Missa Cantata will sung at the Priory of St. Albert the Great, the house of studies of the Western Dominican Province in Oakland, California, tomorrow, February 3, at 10:30 am. This...
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