Dynamic Equivalence
It seems that Google has also come out in support of the old vox obscura style of liturgical translation under which we suffered for so many years. Even as we speak, in a theology faculty break room...
View ArticleEarly Registration for the British Columbia Sacred Music Symposium in July
The organizers of the BC Sacred Music Symposium are pleased to announce that early registration is now open through the end of February. You can find the registration link, and additional information...
View ArticleThe Feast of St Anthony the Abbot
St Athanasius of Alexandria is best known as the great champion of the Nicene Faith, for which he was exiled five times over the course of an episcopate of 45 years (328-373); for his witness to the...
View ArticleDominican Rite Candlemas in Youngstown, Ohio
The church of St Dominic in Youngstown, Ohio, will hold a solemn Mass in the Dominican Rite on the feast of the Purification, starting at 7 pm. The church is located at 77 East Lucius Avenue.
View ArticleChurch in Tolentino, Italy, Restored After 2016 Earthquakes
In the Italian city of Tolentino, located in the Marches region, the church of the Sacred Heart and St Benedict was badly damaged by the same earthquakes that wrought so much devastation in nearby...
View ArticleSt Margaret of Hungary and Hagiographical Skepticism
On the calendar of the Dominican Order in both the Ordinary and Extraordinary Forms, today is the feast of St Margaret of Hungary, who died on this day in the year 1270 at the age of 28. In earlier...
View ArticleA Great Report from Irish TV on the Dominicans
The Irish national television network RTÉ posted to their website a few days ago an edition of the program Nationwide which takes a really positive and sympathetic look at the life and vocation of the...
View ArticleThe Byzantine Great Blessing of the Waters
Since today is the feast of the Epiphany on the Julian Calendar, which is followed by both Catholics and Orthodox of the Byzantine Rite in various parts of the world, I thought I would give a somewhat...
View ArticleDominican Rite Sung Mass for First Saturday of February, Oakland CA
A Dominican Rite Missa Cantata will sung at the Priory of St. Albert the Great, the house of studies of the Western Dominican Province in Oakland, CA, on February 3, at 10:30 am. This will be the...
View ArticleThe Blessing of the Lambs on the Feast of St Agnes 2018
As she does every year, our Roman friend Agnese celebrated her name-day (tanti auguri!) with a visit to the church of Saint Agnes Outside-the-Walls, the original site of the martyr’s burial. Each year...
View Article“Where Has God Gone?”: The Pressure of Horror Vacui
Horror Vacui (1980) by Anselm Kiefer (b. 1945)In a famous passage in Joyous Wisdom,“the parable of the madman,” Friedrich Nietzsche writes:“Where has God gone?” he cried. “I shall tell you. We have...
View ArticleNow I Walk In Beauty
We are delighted to post Jeffrey Morse's review of the CMAA's latest publication, Now I Walk In Beauty by Wilko Brouwers. To purchase this new book, please visit the CMAA Shop.Now I Walk In Beauty: 100...
View ArticleSaints of the Roman Canon: St Agnes, January 21st
This past Sunday, January 21st, was the feast of St Agnes. Early and Eastern images portray Agnes without attributes; and even as late as the 9th-century, she is pictured in this Roman mosaic as simply...
View ArticleEF Candlemas in London
The church of Our Lady of the Assumption and St Gregory, located on Warwick St in London, England, will have the traditional Candlemas blessing of candles and procession, followed by Solemn High Mass...
View ArticleThe Feast of St Sebastian in Milan
In the year 1576, Milan was devastated by a particularly severe outbreak of the plague; several of the episodes later noted in the cause of St Charles Borromeo’s canonization relate to his pastoral...
View ArticleA New Blog on Catholic Culture and Beauty by Dr Carrie Gress
I would like to draw your attention to this new Catholic blog: myfavoritecatholicthings.com. Carrie Gress is a mother, journalist and writer, and a philosopher who specializes in beauty and aesthetics,...
View ArticleEF Solemn Mass in San Francisco after the Walk for Life This Saturday
For the seventh year in a row, the National Shrine of Saint Francis of Assisi in San Francisco, California, will hold a Solemn High Mass in the traditional rite at the conclusion of the West Coast Walk...
View ArticleSolemn Mass, February 1st, Newman Center, Wabash College, Indiana
The Newman Center of Wabash College and Una Voce Lafayette are co-sponsoring a Solemn High Mass in the Usus Antiquor at the Pioneer Chapel on the Wabash campus in Crawfordsville, Indiana, on February...
View ArticleThe Feast of St Timothy
On the calendar of the Extraordinary Form, today is the feast of St Timothy, bishop of Ephesus and martyr, the disciple to whom St Paul addressed two of his letters; he is also mentioned four times in...
View ArticleMaking Books in the Middle Ages
Here is an interesting discovery from the Youtube channel of the Getty Museum, which explains the whole process of making a book in the Middle Ages, from the creation of the parchment, to the ink, the...
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