Behold the odor smell of my son is like the smell of a plentiful field, which the Lord hath blessed. May my God increase thee like the sand of the sea,
* and grant thee blessing from the dew of the field.
V. And may God almighty bless thee, and multiply thee. And grant thee... (The second responsory of Matins.)
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Issac Blessing Jacob, by Bartolomé Esteban Murillo, ca. 1665 |
R. Ecce odor filii mei sicut odor agri pleni, cui benedixit Dóminus: créscere te faciat Deus meus sicut arénam maris:
* Et donet tibi de rore caeli benedictiónem.
V. Deus autem omnípotens benedícat tibi, atque multíplicet.
R. Et donet tibi...