Requiem Mass and Prayers of the Church in China, Tomorrow in NYC
Tomorrow, February 26, there will be a solemn Requiem Mass and Absolution at the Catafalque to mark the 100th anniversary of the Happy Valley Racecourse Fire in Hong Kong, an event in which 670 people...
View ArticleRoman Churches Under Snow
Here’s something you literally don’t see every decade: snow in the Eternal City that lasts long enough to be photographed! Rome is less than a full degree of latitude south of Boston, but the climate...
View Article“The Fingers that Hold God”: The Priestly Benefits of ‘Liturgical Digits’...
We continue our survey of priests on how they perceive this particular custom in their offering of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and how they have adopted or not adopted it in the context of the Novus...
View ArticlePortuguese and Spanish Ceramic Religious Images, and Resources for Today
Further to my previous post, which discussed how we might bear witness publicly, yet discreetly and beautifully, through tiled images cemented into buildings, readers have been coming forward with...
View ArticleRoman Pilgrims at the Station Churches 2018 (Part 3)
Back when the Pope himself kept the Stations on a regular basis, the Stational ceremony of each ferial day in Lent began at the “Collect,” a church not too far from the Station, where the faithful...
View ArticleAngelico Press Brings Out New Edition of Guéranger’s Explanation of the...
Dom Prosper Guéranger holds a lofty place in the history of the revival of the vita liturgica, the Roman Rite, and monasticism after the ravages of the anticlerical Enlightenment and the Age of...
View Article“Let My Prayer Rise as Incense” by Pavel Chesnokov - Byzantine Music for Lent
As we have noted a number of times (examples here and here), in the Byzantine Rite, the Divine Liturgy is not celebrated on the weekdays of Lent, but only on Saturdays and Sundays. (An exception is...
View Article“The Fingers that Hold God”: The Priestly Benefits of ‘Liturgical Digits’...
Continuing with our survey of priests (previous installments: part 1 / part 2 / part 3), today we take up the question of how this comparatively minor but, as we have seen, valuable and much...
View ArticleTLM for Lent on the Jersey Shore
The Traditional Latin Mass is returning this Lent to Holy Innocents Church in Neptune, New Jersey, after its enthusiastic reception at the parish this past Advent. The Masses will be celebrated on...
View ArticleA Brief Video of Mass in the Rite of Lyon
The FSSP apostolate in Lyon, France, which has its home in the Collegiate Church of St Just, has been offering Mass in the traditional Rite of Lyon for quite some time now, in addition to the...
View ArticleAn Online Source for Ceramic Images and Hand-Carved Shrines
Following on from recent articles about ceramic icon corners that can be beautiful and discreet, yet clearly visible signs of faith (here and here), several reader requested more ideas on a similar...
View ArticleThe Patriarch Joseph in the Liturgy of Lent
The liturgy of Lent gives a particularly prominent place to the story of the Patriarch Joseph being sold into slavery by his brothers, as recounted in Genesis 37. It is traditionally read as the...
View ArticleRoman Pilgrims at the Station Churches 2018 (Part 4)
Since we have two Roman pilgrims following the Lenten Stations this year, we have twice as many photos, so I have been been posting only four churches at a time, to keep the posts to a manageable...
View ArticleThe 50th Anniversary of St Clement’s Parish in Ottawa
Our thanks to Mr Ian Gallagher for sending us this item about St Clement’s Parish in Ottawa, Ontario. This parish is the outgrowth of a community which held fast to the traditional liturgical practice...
View ArticleNew Video Explaining the Traditional Office of Tenebrae
NLM readers may be interested in this short video that explains the Office of Tenebrae and why it is so powerful a way of entering into the Passion of the Lord. The video was produced by a group of...
View ArticleThe Third Sunday of Lent 2018
The sparrow hath found herself a house, and the turtledove a nest where she may lay her young ones: Thy altars, O Lord of hosts, my king and my God. Blessed are they that dwell in thy house, O Lord:...
View Article“The Fingers that Hold God”: The Priestly Benefits of ‘Liturgical Digits’...
Today, we come to the final question of the survey, when the responding priests address whether and to what extent laity have noticed this custom and what bearing it might have on those observing the...
View ArticleIn Your Light, We Shall See Light!
Connecting the Thomism of Fr Norris Clarke to a Philosophy of Holy IconsMany NLM readers will be familiar, I’m sure, with the idea that there is a theology which is used to explain the stylistic...
View ArticleAmbrosian Mass for the Second Sunday of Lent
The following video was taken at the church of Santa Maria della Consolazione in Milan, where the traditional Ambrosian Mass is celebrated every Sunday and holy day of obligation, on February 25th, the...
View ArticleA History of the 40 Hours Devotion, by Henri de Villiers
A warm thanks to Henri de Villiers and the Schola Sainte Cécile for permission to publish this translation of his article Les Quarante-Heurs: Histoire et Liturgie. The translation was made by the...
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