The Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church: Reflections on a New Memorial
As readers of NLM are no doubt already aware, the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments announced last Saturday in a decree dated 11 February that the obligatory memorial...
View Article“The Fingers that Hold God”: The Priestly Benefits of ‘Liturgical Digits’:...
In this last part of the series (links to parts 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5), I would like to offer some thoughts that emerge from reflecting on the nineteen priests’ responses to my questions.According to...
View ArticleRoman Pilgrims at the Station Churches 2018 (Part 5)
We continue our annual Lenten visit to the station churches with our Roman pilgrims, Agnese and Fr Alek.Saturday of the Second Week of Lent - Ss Marcellinus and PeterThis church was originally...
View ArticleEF Solemn Vespers in Alexandria, Virginia, This Sunday
Thanks to Andy Hickman of the Institute of Catholic Culture for letting me know about a Laetare Sunday Solemn Vespers taking place at the Basilica of Saint Mary in Alexandria, Virginia. It will be...
View ArticleLaetare Sunday Photopost Request 2018
Our next major photopost will be for Laetare Sunday. Please send your photos (whether of the Ordinary or Extraordinary Form, Ordinariate Rite etc.) to for inclusion....
View ArticleAnother Chant for the Liturgy of the Presanctified
Now the powers of heaven invisibly worship with us, for behold, the King of Glory entereth! Behold, the mystical sacrifice, being perfected, is carried forth in triumph. With faith and love, let us...
View ArticleThe Feast of the Forty Martyrs
The Forty Martyrs were a group of soldiers from the Roman Twelfth Legion, who died for the Faith at Sebaste in Armenia in the year 320. This was seven years after the Edict of Milan and the Peace...
View ArticleLaetare Sunday 2018
Laetáre, Jerúsalem, et conventum fácite, omnes qui dilígitis eam: gaudéte cum laetitia, qui in tristitia fuistis, ut exsultétis, et satiémini ab ubéribus consolatiónis vestrae. Ps. 121 Laetátus sum in...
View ArticleWhat Would an Ecclesiocentric Society Look Like?
For the past several centuries, Western man has been constructing bit by bit an anthropocentric society, in opposition to the theocentric society of the Middle Ages—that period when the mystery of the...
View ArticleA Template for A Liturgically-Oriented General Catholic Education for Children
Book review: Educating in Christ: A Practical Handbook for Developing the Catholic Faith from Childhood to Adolescence For Parents, Teachers, Catechists and School Administrators, by Gerard O’SheaThis...
View ArticleThe Anniversary of the Founding of the Church in Milan
According to an old ambrosian tradition, March 13 of the year 51 was the date on which the church was founded in Milan, when the Apostle St Barnabas baptized the first Christians of the city anciently...
View ArticleRoman Pilgrims at the Station Churches (Part 6)
This year’s is the fifth edition of our Lenten Roman pilgrim series of visits to the station churches, and for five years in a row, the station church for the Wedensday of the Third Week, San Sisto...
View ArticlePresentation on the Music and Art of Holy Week in New Jersey
This Friday, the Ocean County College Music Club will hold a presentation entitled “The Music and Visual Art of Holy Week”, by Fr. Peter Stravinskas, OCC Asst. Professor of Humanities, and Prof....
View Article“Liturgy, Orality, and Rubricism”: Article by Samuel Nyom
This article by Samuel Nyom is reproduced here from the website Pro Liturgia with his permission, translated from the original French by Zachary Thomas. This essay certainly provides interesting food...
View ArticleLaetare Sunday Photopost 2018 (Part 1)
We had a good number of submissions for Laetare Sunday this year, so there will be two photoposts this time. This one starts with something very interesting and unique from Douai Abbey in England, a...
View ArticleEF Missa Cantata for St Joseph in Newark, New Jersey
There will be a Traditional Latin High Mass sung for the Feast of St. Joseph, on Monday, March 19th at 7:00 p.m, at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church in Newark, New Jersey. Following the Mass, there will...
View ArticleMuisc for Lent: The Media Vita
The hour of Compline is far more variable in the Dominican Office than in the Roman, often changing the antiphon of the psalms, the hymn, and the antiphon of the Nunc dimittis. This was true of most...
View ArticlePhotos of the Mass of Lyon
We recently shared a brief video of part of the Lyonais Mass, offered by Fr Brice Meissonier at the Collegiate Church of St Just, the home of the FSSP apostolate in Lyon. The Facebook page of FSSP Lyon...
View ArticleLenten Mission at Holy Innocents in New York City
The church of the Holy Innocents In New York City will have a Lenten Parish Mission from Monday March 19 to Wednesday, March 21, during the 6 pm Latin Mass, to be preached by Fr Joseph Tuscan, OFM Cap....
View ArticleRoman Pilgrims at the Station Churches 2018 (Part 7)
The Lenten Station Masses held in the evenings by the Vicariate of Rome are often preceeded by a procession, and accompanied by the exposition of relics; today’s post has some especially good examples...
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