The Third and Final Day of the Chartres Pilgrimage
Continuing on with our coverage of the Chartres pilgrimage, we turn to the third and final day of the pilgrimage. After a long journey, the pilgrims finally arrive at Chartres. The Solemn Mass which...
View ArticleCompendium of the 1961 Revision of the Pontificale Romanum - Part 9: The...
After the blessings of objects used at the altar, such as chalices and altar linens, the Pontifical of Clement VIII places the blessing of various furnishings of a church, the first being that of a...
View ArticlePentecost Vestments
The red solemn Pentecost vestment set we showed you yesterday in our coverage of the Chartres Pilgrimage has always been a favourite set of mine and I wanted to draw specific attention to it one final...
View ArticleMore from Chartres
The official photos of the Chartres pilgrimage have now been made available. Here are a few more from the final Solemn Pontifical Mass in Chartres. In addition (and not from the official coverage), one...
View ArticlePentecost in the Parishes
A couple of bit of Pentecost coverage, the first from St. Martin of Tours in Louisville:* * * Our second bit of coverage comes from a reader from St. John Francis Regis Parish, in Hollywood, Maryland...
View ArticleGregorian Chant Network Residential Weekend
Around Easter each year, the Gregorian Chant Network organises a residential weekend course for singers of all all levels of experience. Gregorian Chant requires specialised training and this is...
View ArticleCompendium of the 1961 Revision of the Pontificale Romanum - Part 10: The...
In the Pontifical of Pope Clement VIII, the blessing of a new cross is followed by a rubric that for the blessing of a pectoral cross, the bishop may use the same blessing that is used when a cross...
View ArticlePentecost Pilgrimage in Río de Janeiro
Fresh off heels of the news and photos of the famed Chartres pilgrimage in France, one of our readers sends in news of another Pentecost pilgrimage, the "Peregrinación Totus Tuus", which begins at the...
View ArticleChristian Sacred Geometry from the Holy Land - Octagons in the Form of a...
Following on from a recent look at the significance of the number eight in the liturgy, here is an example of geometric art that incorporates this symbolism. I discovered these images on the British...
View ArticleAn Interview with Fr. Guy Nicholls of the Birmingham Oratory on the Propers...
Corpus Christi Watershed is continuing its interview series which intends to raise awareness around the role of the Propers of the Mass, this time with Fr. Guy Nicholls of the Birmingham Oratory.
View ArticleTwo Other Items For Sale: Lampada and Book from Chesterton's Library
In addition to the two HBS titles still on offer, I just recalled two other items I'd like to offer for sale before I venture into retirement. The first is a rather interesting item for any...
View ArticleSummorum Pontificum Conference in Mexico with Card. Sandoval
After similar events in other countries, there will now also be a Summorum Pontificum Conference in Mexico. The Conference will take place in Guadalajara from 5 to 7 July, and will conclude on Sunday 7...
View ArticleEF Missa Cantata: Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Readers living in Rhode Island and southeastern Massachusetts may be interested to know that a Missa cantata in the Extraordinary Form will be celebrated at historic Saint Anne's Church [website in...
View ArticleThe Feast of St. Philip Neri in His Roman Churches
St. Philip Neri is associated with several churches in Rome, the foremost being of course Santa Maria in Vallicella, still usually called the Chiesa Nuova, the “New Church”, more than 430 years after...
View ArticleOne Month Notice on Sacra Liturgia 2013
The Sacra Liturgia conference is one month away and the organizers say the registrations have so far been high. It is held in Rome and will explore every aspect of liturgy. You can find out more here.
View ArticlePope Francis and the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum
Since the election of Pope Francis we have consistently commented that the resignation of Benedict XVI did not mean the end of the new liturgical movement; not in any way whatever in fact. In the same...
View ArticleSt. Philip's Day at the London Oratory
I'm very pleased that in my last week of blogging I get to share some photos from the London Oratory, and on St. Philip's day no less, courtesy of Charles Cole.
View ArticleSacra Liturgia: Peak at the Liturgical Programme
From Sacra Liturgia. “Before we speak about the liturgy, we must ourselves be liturgical. That is why Sacra Liturgia 2013 opens with the words ‘Deus in adjutorium meum intende...’ That is why the...
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