From Sacra Liturgia.
“Before we speak about the liturgy, we must ourselves be liturgical. That is why Sacra Liturgia 2013 opens with the words ‘Deus in adjutorium meum intende...’ That is why the solemn celebration of Holy Mass is an integral part of our conference programme. And that is why solemn Vespers, Benediction and the Te Deum will be the final acts of this conference.”
These are the words of Bishop Dominique Rey, Convenor of Sacra Liturgia 2013, in his Introduction to the book containing the liturgical services for the conference currently being printed.
The four pontifical liturgies at the conference will be celebrated in Latin, with Gregorian Chant having pride of place.
Silverstream Priory, Co. Meath, Ireland, have completed the typesetting of the liturgy book (pictured) which gives the chant notation, liturgical texts and translations in each of the five languages of the conference so as to enable active and actual participation. Sponsors Arte Grande have facilitated the printing of this book in hardcover with ribbon markers. Both have ensured that delegates will have in their hands a volume that truly befits the dignity of the Sacred Liturgy.
The Rome-based Schola Polifonica Sacri Montis will sing at all four conference liturgies. The music includes Victoria’s ‘Ave Maria,’ ‘Adoramus te Christe’ by Orlando di Lasso, ‘Domine non sum dignus’ of Tomas Luis de Victoria, Gregorian Mass II (fons bonitatis), Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina’s ‘Missa sine nomine,’ 'O sacrum convivium’ by Giovanni Croce, Palestrina's 'Dominus Jesus in qua nocte,’ Perosi’s ‘O Salutaris Hostia’ and Victoria’s ‘Tantum Ergo.’ The conference will conclude with the singing of the Laudes regiæ.
The Conference liturgies are open to delegates registered for the afternoon session in which they occur.