Palm Sunday 2018
A great multitude that was met together at the festival cried out to the Lord: Blessed is He that cometh in the name of the Lord: Hosanna in the highest! (Processional antiphon of Palm Sunday)The Entry...
View ArticleRoman Pilgrims at the Station Churches (Part 9)
As we enter Holy Week, we finish up our series of the pictures of the Lenten station churches in Rome from our Roman pilgrims, Agnese Bazzuchi and Fr Alek Shrenck. There will be one more in the series...
View ArticleChrist’s Life is the Church’s Life
The great English writer Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson believed that, because the Church is Christ’s Body extended over time and space, the life of the Church as it unfolds throughout the course of...
View ArticleThe History of the Folded Chasuble, by Henri de Villiers (Part 2)
We continue with the second part of Henri de Villiers’s article “Les chasubles pliés: Histoire et liturgie”, originally published in French on the website of the Schola Sainte Cécile. This translation...
View ArticlePalm Sunday Photopost 2018 (Part 1)
The response to our request for photos of your Palm Sunday liturgies has been pretty remarkable; last year we did two posts, this year we will certainly do at least three. We have quite a mix of things...
View ArticleSpy Wednesday 2018
When Jesus was in Bethania, in the house of Simon the leper, there came to him a woman having an alabaster box of precious ointment, and poured it on his head as he was at table. And the disciples...
View ArticlePalm Sunday Photopost 2018 (Part 2)
As we come closer to the sacred Triduum, here is our second Palm Sunday photopost, which is just as varied as the first, with photos from several different countries, the EF and the OF, and the...
View ArticlePre-Pius-XII-Reform Dominican Rite Easter Vigil
Although I published this here a couple years ago, it seemed like a good time to reprint it, as we are now about to enter the Triduum. Easter Blessings to all our readers! As most readers know, the...
View ArticleThe Ambrosian Mass of Holy Thursday
The mandatum ceremony according to the Ambrosian riteOne of the most beautiful features of the traditional Ambrosian Rite is its unique manner of celebrating the Mass of Holy Thursday, which includes a...
View ArticlePalm Sunday 2018 Photopost (Part 3)
Like our first two Palm Sunday photoposts, this one also shows very beautifully the richness of our Catholic liturgical tradition; once again, we have pictures of the EF in its pre- and post-Pian...
View ArticleFSSP Maundy Thursday in Rome
I decided to make a special post of Maundy Thursday at the FSSP’s Roman parish, Santissima Trinità dei Pellegrini, since the ceremonies were not just done particularly well, but also particularly...
View ArticleGood Friday 2018
O Lord, I have heard Thy report and was afraid: I have considered Thy works and trembled. V. In the midst of two living beings Thou shalt be made known: when the years shall draw nigh Thou shalt be...
View ArticleHoly Week 2018 Photopost Request
As we do every year, we will have a whole series of photoposts of your Holy Week liturgies, with individual posts for Tenebrae, Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday, and Easter Sunday. As always,...
View ArticleHoly Saturday 2018
The Harrowing of Hell, by Duccio di Buoninsenga, 1308-11R. Recessit pastor noster, fons aquae vivae, ad cujus transitum sol obscuratus est; * nam et ille captus est, qui captivum tenebat primum...
View ArticleEaster Sunday 2018
The Resurection of Christ, by Piero della Francesca (ca. 1450-63)Let all partake of the feast of faith. Let all receive the riches of goodness. Let no one lament their poverty, for the universal...
View ArticlePalm Sunday 2018 Photopost (Part 4)
We finally come to the last of our Palm Sunday photoposts, just in time to start in on Holy Week and Easter; don’t forget to send your pictures of these celebrations, with the name and location of the...
View ArticleAnnouncing Liturgy Outside Liturgy: The Liturgical Theology of Fr. Alexander...
Chorabooks has just released what looks like a fascinating book, pertinent to readers of NLM.FROM THE PUBLISHERDavid W. Fagerberg, Liturgy outside Liturgy. The Liturgical Theology of Fr. Alexander...
View ArticleReprint of the Liturgia Horarum Coming Soon
Some readers of NLM may have already seen the recent announcement by the Libreria Editrice Vaticana: the Latin editio typica altera of the Liturgia Horarum, out of print for some time, is being...
View ArticleThank You, Roman Pilgrims!
I just want to take a moment to express my heartfelt thanks to our Roman Pilgrims, Agnese Bazzuchi and Fr Alek Schrenk, for so kindly allowing us to reproduce their pictures of the Roman stational...
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