We finally come to the last of our Palm Sunday photoposts, just in time to start in on Holy Week and Easter; don’t forget to send your pictures of these celebrations, with the name and location of the church, to photopost@newliturgicalmovement.org. We will be processing them and publishing them over the next couple of weeks. Once again we wish you all a most blessed Easter!
Nuesta Señora del Pilar - Guadalajara, Mexico (FSSP)
St John the Baptist Byzantine Catholic Church - Minneapolis, Minnesota
St Bede the Venerable Parish - St Louis Park, Minnesota (Ordinariate)
The parish is currently hosted by the church of the Holy Family.
Monastere St Benoit - La Garde-Freinet, France
Mater Ecclesiae - Berlin, New Jersey
Chapelle Saint-Augustin - Lausanne, Switzerland (FSSP)
St Thomas the Apostle - Krakow, Poland (FSSP)