Advent and Christmas Liturgy Schedule for St Stephen’s Church, Portland, Oregon
For anyone within striking distance of St Stephen’s Catholic Church in Portland, Oregon, here is the church’s liturgical schedule for Advent and Christmas. This is an ambitious and upgraded program,...
View ArticleThe Legend of St Nicholas in Liturgy and Art
The traditional Roman liturgy assigns to the feast of St Nicholas the common Office of Confessor Bishops Ecce sacerdos magnus, with the proper lessons at Matins recounting his life, and the common Mass...
View ArticlePhotopost Request: Immaculate Conception 2017
Our next major photopost will be for tomorrow’s feast of the Immaculate Conception. Please send your photos (whether of the Ordinary or Extraordinary Form) to for...
View ArticleThe Relics of St Ambrose
Partly as a follow up to last month’s post on the relics of St Charles, here are a few interesting photos related to the relics of St Ambrose, whose feast is today, courtesy of Nicola de’ Grandi.The...
View ArticleA Boy-Bishop for St Nicholas’ Day
Chavagnes International College, a Catholic boarding school for boys located in Chavagnes-en-Paillers in western France (near Nantes), is well known for cultivating a strong liturgical life. In...
View ArticleThe Feast of the Immaculate Conception 2017
The choir of the prophets proclaimed of old the Maiden unblemished and holy, whose child is God, whom Anna conceived, that was sterile and without progeny; with rejoicing of heart, let us who have been...
View ArticleAn Original Setting of Psalm 116 by Henri de Villiers
We are very pleased to share with our readers this recording of Psalm 116, Laudate Dominum, in an original composition by one of our long-time contributors, Henri de Villiers. This was made live at the...
View ArticleNotitiae - Available Online!
Back in February 2016, it was announced on NLM that Notitiae, the periodical of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments (CDWDS), was changing the way it was published,...
View Article2018 Ordo for the Dominican Rite Breviary Now Available
Just in time for Christmas! I am delighted to announce that Breviarium S.O.P. has completed the 2018 Dominican Rite Calendar for praying the 1962 Dominican Breviary. Once again, the calendar includes...
View ArticleTime for the Soul to Absorb the Mysteries — Part 2: The Offertory and the Canon
Last week, we looked at how the traditional Roman Rite, from the entrance to the Gospel, gives ample “time for the soul to absorb the mysteries.” Today I shall speak of how the Offertory and the Canon...
View ArticleHand-drawn Altar Cards by Daniel Mitsui
Daniel Mitsui is an artist quite well known to readers of NLM for his exquisite work in calligraphy and iconography. He was recently commissioned to produce a set of altar cards and went at it with his...
View ArticleRorate Mass This Saturday in Jewsey City, NJ
The church of St Anthony of Padua in Jersey City, New Jersey, will have a Rorate Mass in the traditional rite celebrated by candlelight this coming Saturday, December 16th, starting at 6am. The church...
View ArticleNew Book on Dominican Lay Brothers, Including their Liturgical Life
Although it might seem that my newly published book on Dominican lay brothers (now called "cooperator brothers") would have little to do with liturgy, it, like my book on the religious life of the...
View ArticleSubstance and Symbol, and Why Life Depends on Such Abstract Ideas
What do you see here?I’m guessing most of you thought something like this: a clear stream with a rocky bottom and grassy banks, with ripples on the surface revealed by shimmering reflections of the...
View ArticlePhotopost: December 9th Rorate Mass at St Stephen’s Church in Portland, Oregon
Thank you to Daniel Page, the Director of Sacred Music at St Stephen’s Catholic Church in Portland Oregon. The celebrant is Fr Eric Andersen
View ArticleSt Lucy - A Saint of the Roman Canon and Caravaggio's Greatest Painting
St Lucy is a Saint of the 3rd century, a virgin martyr who was venerated from the moment of her death and whose feast is celebrated on December 13th in both East and West. An account of her life can be...
View ArticleRorate Mass This Saturday in Santa Rosa, California
The Cathedral of St Eugene in Santa Rosa, California, will have a candlelit Rorate Mass in the traditional rite on Saturday, December 16th, starting at 6 a.m. The church is located at 2323 Montgomery...
View ArticleTraditional Ambrosian Mass for the Feast of St Ambrose
Here is a great set of photographs taken on the feast of St Ambrose at the church of Santa Maria della Consolazione, the home of the traditional Ambrosian rite. This was a Missa cantata; these photos...
View ArticleGuest Article: Dom Mark Kirby on Infirmity and Stability in Marriage and...
NLM is pleased once again to publish a reflection by Dom Mark Kirby, O.S.B., Prior of the Benedictine Monks of Perpetual Adoration of Silverstream Priory in Stamullen, County Meath, Ireland, this time...
View ArticleImmaculate Conception Photopost 2017
As always, we are very grateful to everyone who sent in their photographs of liturgies celebrated on the Immaculate Conception. We have a good variety in this one, with several different countries...
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