“Heaven and Earth Shall Pass Away…”: In My Beginning Is My End
Hans Memling, Last Judgment, 1467-1471In the usus antiquior, the Mass for the last Sunday after Pentecost and the Mass for the first Sunday of Advent feature parallel Gospel pericopes about the end of...
View ArticleRose Windows - Geometric Icons of Heaven
I have just been creating a new online course on the mathematics of beauty, as part of which, I wanted to show how to represent the symbolic meaning of number in the context of the liturgy, in such a...
View ArticleFSSP Requiem Recording Featured on PBS
The PBS NewsHour Youtube channel has posted a great video from the PBS/NPR affiliate in Nebraska, NET, about the Fraternity of St Peter’s seminary in Denton, Nebraska, and specifically about their...
View ArticleSt. Sylvester and St. Andrew: The End and the Beginning of the Sanctoral Cycle
As anyone who has ever used an altar missal or a hand missal knows, the traditional Missale Romanum is laid out in different sections: the Temporal cycle, beginning with the first Sunday of Advent and...
View ArticleMedieval Frescoes in a Long-lost Crypt
The crypt and church of St John “Domnarum - of the Women” in the city of Pavia, was founded about the year 654 by a Lombard queen named Gundeperga, daughter of King Agilulf and Queen Teodolinda. (We...
View ArticleRorate Mass at Holy Ghost, Tiverton R.I., December 9th
Early risers in the East Bay area of Rhode Island and southeastern Massachusetts, and other locals who, in the quasi-penitential spirit of Advent, are willing to rouse themselves before dawn on a...
View ArticleThe Septuagesima of Christmas
As Henri de Villiers discussed earlier this year in a series of four articles, it is a universal Christian custom to approach Easter gradually, first in a Fore-lent, followed by Lent proper, then Holy...
View ArticleSaints of the Roman Canon - St Andrew, November 30th
Today is the Feast of St Andrew who, as an Apostle, is mentioned in the Roman Canon of the Mass.Before he was called to follow Christ he was a follower of John the Baptist, and like him, he is depicted...
View ArticleEF Solemn Mass for the First Sunday of Advent in Brooklyn
The church of the Holy Name of Jesus in Brooklyn, New York, located at 245 Prospect Park West, will have a Solemn Mass in EF starting at 5:00. There will also be confessions heard from 4:15 until the...
View ArticleBaptism by Bishop Schneider in the Traditional Rite
On October 29, Old St Patrick’s Oratory in Kansas City, Missouri, an apostolate of the Institute of Christ the King, welcomed Bishop Athanasius Schneider for the celebration of a baptism in the...
View ArticleCan you help Identify this Liturgical Object?
Dear readers,Perhaps you can help identify an object that was found in strorage at the Episcopalian diocese of Oregon office. A Episcopalian priest of the diocese has asked my help, but I myself...
View ArticleChicago Parish Going Ad Orientem for Advent
St Stanislaus Kostka Parish in Chicago, under the care of the Congregation of the Resurrection, is returning to the historical custom of the Church and facing East for the Advent and Christmas season....
View ArticleEF Missa Cantata for First Advent in Detroit
St Hyacinth Parish in Detroit will have an EF Missa cantata for the first Sunday of Advent, celebrated by a newly ordained Jesuit priest, Fr Stephen Wolfe. The Mass will start at 1:30 pm; the church is...
View ArticleA Good Week for Humor (Young People™ Edition)
As many people are aware, surveys are being taken throughout the world to canvas the views of the Young People™ who will be the topic of a synod be held next year in Rome. A few days ago, the Catholic...
View ArticleFirst Sunday of Advent 2017
Indeed, when the most holy Gregory poured forth prayers to the Lord, that he might give him the gift of music for the chants, then the Holy Spirit descended upon him in the likeness of a dove, and...
View ArticleTime for the Soul to Absorb the Mysteries — Part 1: From the Entrance to the...
The season of Advent has always felt to me as if it is, and should be, a time of quiet meditation. Moving in a direction contrary to that of secular society in its frenzied rush towards Christmas...
View ArticleJuly 2018: Sacred Music Event in British Columbia
News from the north: Saints Joachim and Ann Parish in Aldergrove, British Columbia, will be hosting the inaugural B.C. Sacred Music Symposium from July 20-22, 2018.The aim is to bring together...
View ArticleWhy Is This Fresco of the Fiery Furnace So Important That It Is In The...
And Why Should It Go In A Baptistry? Have a look at this wall painting of the prophet Daniel’s companions in the fiery furnace. It is from the Roman Catacomb of Priscilla, one of the images that is...
View ArticleRorate Masses in New York City
This year, the Church of the Holy Innocents in New York City is holding 10 Rorate Masses, the Votive Mass of the Blessed Virgin Mary for Advent, during the first part of the holy season. The Mass takes...
View ArticleNew Reprints of Three Theological Classics
People who enjoy reading theological books quickly discover, in the vaults of university libraries, at used bookstores, or by lucky links online, a lot of hidden gems out there — books that were first...
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