Diaconal Ordinations at the Beda
Eleven students from the Pontifical Beda College in Rome were ordained to the diaconate on Wednesday by Cardinal James Harvey. The ordination took place at the Basilica of St Paul's outside the Walls...
View ArticlePhotos of Corpus Christi at Heiligenkreuz
From the Cistercian Monastery of Stift Heligenkreuz in Austria, our friend Sancrucensis has some very nice photos of a Corpus Christi procession with various stations. Click over to him for the full set.
View ArticleHistorical Images of Corpus Christi Processions
I stumbled across an Italian blog which I think our readers will find very interesting, called Scuola Ecclesia Mater. The author of it has created some very nice and very big collections of images on...
View ArticleCorpus Christi Photopost
Readers: we are looking forward to receiving your photos of liturgies on the feast of Corpus Christi, including Masses, the Office, and of course, processions.Please send to...
View ArticleAn Art Deco Chasuble
A friend brought to my attention this unexpectedly quite good chasuble and stole set he discovered on the online auction site eBay. It really is a stunning piece, and a reminder of some of the...
View ArticleNLM Exclusive: Archbishop Cordileone on the Sacred Liturgy
Courtesy of Fr. Samuel F. Weber, O.S.B., Director of the Benedict XVI Institute for Sacred Music and Divine Worship, the Most Rev. Salvatore Cordileone, Archbishop of San Francisco, has graciously...
View ArticleA Processional Cross by Philippe Lefebvre
Here is a newly completed wood polychrome and gilded processional cross made by Frenchman Philippe Lefebvre. I love the balance of naturalism and subtle abstraction that he has incorporated into...
View ArticleFirst Mass on Trinity Sunday at Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral, Philadelphia
A full CathedralFather James Fryar, FSSP, preachesThe Elevation of the Sacred HostFather Joseph Heffernan with the clergy, seminarians, servers and Knights of ColumbusMore pictures and a wonderful...
View ArticleOne Faith: East and West International Art Exhibition in NYC
For those who are within striking distance of New York City, there is an exhibition of sacred art at the NYU Catholic Center, 238 Thompson Street, this week. Entitled One Faith: East and West it...
View ArticleBishop Paparocki's Pastoral Letter on the "Ars Celebrandi et Adorandi"
Many of our readers have undoubtedly already heard about the pastoral letter issued on the feast of Corpus Christi by the Most Rev. Thomas J. Paprocki, Bishop of Springfield, Illinois, with the...
View ArticleChant Workshop - Flint, MI - This Saturday
I received one of my first real tastes of gregorian chant at a similar workshop in my own home diocese. If you have been wanting to learn more about sacred music, and the church's principal music of...
View ArticleOrdinariate Congregation Moving to Washington D.C.
We have received this news from a parishioner of the Ordinariate Church of St Luke in Bladensburg, Maryland:St. Luke’s Church in Bladensburg, Maryland, which came into the Catholic Church in October,...
View ArticlePontifical Mass at the Throne this Sunday in Wisconsin
I am very happy to announce that Bishop Robert Morlino, my bishop, will be celebrating a Pontifical Mass at the Throne in Madison, WI, in the chapel of the Bishop O’Connor Center on Sunday, June 29,...
View ArticleEF Mass at St. Theresa's Church in Trumbull, Connecticut, for the Feast of...
Fr. Brian Gannon, pastor of St. Theresa’s Church in Trumbull, CT, (5301 Main Street) will celebrate Solemn Mass in the Extraordinary Form on the Feast of Sts. Peter and Paul, Sunday June 29th, at...
View ArticleThe Theology of the Offertory - Part 6: Prolepsis in the Offertory
This is the sixth article in an ongoing series. The previous parts can be read here: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5. In rhetoric, the term “prolepsis” refers to giving something a name before...
View ArticlePhotographs from Valaam Monastery
I just stumbled across the website of Valaam Monastery, a Russian Orthodox foundation located on a large island in Lake Ladoga, the largest lake in Europe, to the north of St. Petersburg and the...
View ArticleSts. Peter and Paul Photopost Request
Yet again, we have another big feast coming up this Sunday! Feel free to send in your liturgy pictures to photopost@newliturgicalmovement.org
View ArticleAnother Modern: New Gargoyles on a Gothic Chapel
The humor website Cracked.com just published an article called “7 Awesome Buildings That Look Like They’re Designed by Kids”. One of these (#5) is a small Gothic chapel near the French city of Nantes,...
View ArticleOrdinations this morning at the Cathedral of Chartres
This Saturday, June 28, on the vigil of the Feast of Saints Peter and Paul, His Excellency Marc Aillet, Bishop of Bayonne, Oloron & Lescat (France), conducted the ordination of three new French...
View ArticleCorpus Christi Photopost 2014 - 1/2
We have so many parishes this time that I will be splitting the Corpus Christi Photopost into two posts. Look for the second post tomorrow!Holy Family Church, Singapore Budapest, Hungary All Saints,...
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