The Importance of the Sung Scripture in the Liturgy
I will be the first to admit, to the dismay of many people of a more traditional leaning, the 1962 missal was not perfect. For example, the calendar needed to be updated, such as adding new saints....
View ArticleRemembering Forty Years of Suffering
Fr. Z today points out that the Collect in the OF and EF is the same, though appearing on different days: Deus, cuius providentia in sui dispositione non fallitur te supplices exoramus, ut noxia...
View ArticleHow John Paul II Restored Liturgical Sanity
My article from Crisis Magazine this morning:We tend to think of the papacy of Benedict XVI as the papacy that put the Catholic liturgy back together again, turning the “hermeneutic of rupture” into...
View ArticleThe Mystery of the Missing Offertory
Every Mass-going Catholic knows what happens at the Offertory during Mass. It is a segment of the liturgy that follows that final petition in the prayer of the faithful. Everyone sits down and gets...
View ArticleA First Mass in North Carolina
Fr. Jason Christian, who was ordained to the priesthood on Saturday, June 22, has shared with us some photographs of his first Mass, celebrated the following day at the Church of St. Ann in Charlotte,...
View ArticleHow To Keep the Psalm Numbers Clear
For years I've struggled with Psalm numbering, and never really had a tool to allow me to figure out what's what. I'm glad to know that I'm not alone. Jeffrey Ostrowski put together this handy chart...
View ArticlePhotos from the FOTA VI Conference in Cork, Ireland
In anticipation of a full report on the recent FOTA VI liturgical conference, Mr. William Thomas has sent us some photographs of the conference and the celebrations that accompanied it.One of the many...
View ArticleChristianity is Apparently "Intellectual Property"
As I predicted, Fr. Z received a blustery note from the Vatican concerning his recording of the Pope's encyclical. It's dangerous to use technology to spread the Gospel.
View ArticleJuventutem Chicago
From a reader: Earlier this year, Quo Vadis - the young adult group at St. John Cantius - applied for and received affiliation with the Fœderatio Internationalis Juventutem. The FIJ chartered Quo...
View ArticleAnother Newly-Ordained Priest Celebrating the EF
It always warms my heart to see more and more priests, especially younger priests, celebrating the EF. It's important for priests to know both forms of the Roman Rite, so it is particularly...
View ArticleWhat's New Around Here?
It's been almost 30 days since the editorial transition on NLM, from the masterful and stable hands of Shawn Tribe to hands of legacy writers here along with some new faces. Of course I had prepared...
View ArticleA Mug We All Want
Fr. Anthony Ruff is the proud owner of this masterpiece. It's apparently made by hand -- a radically scarce good.
View ArticleSt Philip's School and Downton Abbey
Mr Tibbits's Catholic School is the name of a wonderful book which tells the story of St Philip's, a school which may be familiar to NLM readers from previous posts here and here. St Philip's was...
View ArticleFrom the FOTA VI Liturgical Conference: Cardinal Burke's Homily for the...
Mr. William A. Thomas has been so kind as to provide for the NLM the complete text of the homily preached by Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke, Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura, during the Mass which he...
View ArticleBenedictus - a new Catholic Liberal Arts College in London
Benedictus is a new Catholic Liberal Arts College in London. Inspired by the example of successful Liberal Arts Colleges elsewhere, Benedictus has been founded to provide the first such education in...
View ArticleGeometric Patterned Art Old and New - Romanesque and Islamic
I have just returned from Rome and had a chance while there to see Sancta Maria Trastevere with its beautiful cosmati pavements. I was imagining this family of Roman craftsmen in the 13th century...
View Article"We are on the brink of a profound renewal of divine worship" - Archbishop...
We are pleased to present to you an absolutely brilliant lecture by His Excellency Archbishop Alexander King Sample of Portland, Oregon, delivered at the CMAA colloquium, Salt Lake City, Utah, June...
View ArticleSt. Benedict Mass at Monastère Saint-Benoît
For the feast of St. Benedict, the Monastère Saint-Benoît, in the Diocese of Fréjus-Toulon, France, solemn Mass was celebrated by Msgr Michael Hayes, the Curé of Saint-Tropez in the presence of the...
View ArticleMissa Cantata, Mobile, Alabama
It only happens once each year so it is worth paying close attention. An extraordinary form Missa Cantata will be sung at the Mobile Cathedral, Saturday, August 3, 2013, 7:00 p.m. It will be a Votive...
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