Vestment Embroidery Work of the Dominican Nuns of Galway
Chasuble Detail Chalice Veil Detail Chalice Veil Hanging (or Frontal?) Detail Detail Chalice Pall Photo credits: Fr Fergal MacEoinín OP
View ArticleSolemn Mass at Saint Louis Abbey, 1964
Speaking personally, I find it interesting to see photos or watch video from Masses being celebrated in the period around 1963-1967 given all that was occurring around that time. In particular I find...
View ArticleSt Lawrence of Rome
Today is the great feast of Saint Lawrence, deacon and martyr, of whom Pope Damasus I wrote: "The blows of the executioner, flames, torments, chains, the faith of blessed Lawrence alone could...
View ArticleVirgin Before Giving Birth, While Giving Birth and After Giving Birth
One of the tasks that those who are interested in cultural renewal have to face today is one of reawakening to the symbolism of the cosmos. This faculty can be stimulated, I believe, by incorporating a...
View ArticleArchbishop Di Noia, OP in Cincinnati
Fr. Martin Fox over on his blog Bonfire of Vanities alerts us to the fact that the recently named Vice President for the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei, Archbishop Augustine DiNoia, will be...
View ArticleCardinal Burke on the OF and EF
Cardinal Burke, Prefect of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura, speaks with Raymond Arroyo about the revised English translations of the OF Missal as well as the usus antiquior:
View ArticleOther Modern: Murals in St. Anne's Anglican Church, Toronto
Students of art, and particularly Canadian students of art, will likely be familiar with the group of Canadian artists known simply as the Group of Seven. The Group of Seven were a group of 20th...
View ArticleThe Ordinariate and Walsingham
Fr. James Bradley, communications officer for the Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham, recently celebrated Mass in the Slipper Chapel at Walsingham on the Feast of St. Lawrence -- who...
View ArticleNapa Institute Conference: Pontifical Mass, Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone
Here is a full length video and some photos of the Solemn Pontifical Mass offered by Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone as part of the Napa Institute Conferenc. The Mass, which took place on July 29th,...
View ArticleVirgil's Georgics and the Rule of St. Benedict?
There is an interesting intersection of themes over on Sancrucensis discussing the Rule of St. Benedict and the theorized influence of the Roman writer Virgil (most famously known for The Aeneid) on...
View ArticleCBC on Gregorian Chant and the Gregorian Colloquium in Montreal
Back in May we told you about the Gregorian chant colloquium which was taking place in Montreal as part of the activities of the Gregorian Institute of Canada. That colloquium will be taking place in...
View ArticleThe Gospel of the Assumption: A Medieval Allegory
Shortly after Pope Pius XII made the formal dogmatic definition of the Assumption in 1950, he promulgated a new Office and Mass for the feast. The Gospel of this Mass, Signum Magnum, is St. Luke 1,...
View ArticleCalender for Lesser Known Dominican Blesseds
A question from a reader in Poland concerning the celebration of the "lesser" Dominican blesseds who were moved from the General Calendar of the Dominican Order to the local calendars of their...
View ArticleOther Modern: Basilique Sainte-Thérèse de Lisieux, Normandy
A blog which I visit daily is Fr. Tim Finigan's the Hermeneutic of Continuity. So it was then that I was pleased to read the other day on his blog of his own interest in and appreciation for the Other...
View ArticleHelp the Sisters at Lanherne
Some of our friends asked if we might publish this appeal related to the Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate at Lanherne and we are certainly happy to do so. Would you be able to help the Franciscan...
View ArticleAssumption at St. Benedict's, Richmond, Virginia
A number of our readers have sent in their Assumption day photos from their respective parishes. We shall do as we always do and try to show as many of these as we can. We begin today with St....
View ArticleThe Cosmos is Made for Man - How this Affects the Way We Paint It
The Office of Readings for July 30th, the Feast of St Peter Chrysologus contains the following passage from one of his sermons: 'Man, why do you have so low an opinion of yourself, when you are so...
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