Mass for the Holy Innocents in San Angelo, Texas
The Cathedral of the Sacred Heart in San Angelo, Texas, will have a Missa Cantata in the Extraordinary Form for the feast of the Holy Innocents on Thursday, December 28, with Palestrina’s Mass Aeterna...
View ArticleA Proper Hymn for St Stephen
The Roman Divine Office is traditionally much more conservative than other Uses in the adoption of new texts, and this is particularly true in regard to its use of hymns. Of the 39 Saints named in the...
View ArticleTime for the Soul to Absorb the Mysteries — Part 4: The Ablutions to the Last...
Last week I considered how the Communion rite in the traditional Mass afford a spacious home for corporate and personal prayer, so that the virtue of actual devotion, which is required for fruitful...
View ArticleChristmas Photopost 2017 (Part 1)
As has been the case for the last couple of years, we have received a very large number of photographs of Christmas liturgies, we will be doing at least one other photopost of them, possibly more. They...
View ArticleOctave of Christmas Pontifical Mass with Bishop Perry in Gary, IN, January 1
The Northwest Indiana Latin Mass Community announces that, for the first time in over 50 years, a Pontifical Latin Mass will be celebrated at Holy Angels Cathedral in the Diocese of Gary, Indiana. His...
View ArticleThe Feast of the Holy Innocents 2018
Truly it is worthy and just, meet and profitable to salvation, that we praise Thee more gloriously, holy Father almighty, in the precious death of the little ones, whom because of the infancy of Thy...
View ArticleChristmas Homily of Canon Francis Altiere
This past weekend, my family and I had the great joy of assisting at several Masses at the Institute of Christ the King's Oratory of Old St. Patrick's in Kansas City, MO. I was so struck by the homily...
View ArticleWhat Would the Canonization of Paul VI Mean for the Liturgy and Liturgical...
Many of our readers, I am sure, have seen reports to the effect that Pope Paul VI may be canonized in the coming year. It does not appear that these reports have been officially confirmed. I do not...
View ArticleEF Pontifical Mass for Epiphany in Nashua, New Hampsire
The Fraternity of St Peter’s Church in Nashua, New Hampsire, St Stanislaus, will welcome His Excellency Peter Libasci, bishop of Manchester, for the celebration of a solemn Pontifical Mass in the...
View ArticleChristmas Photopost 2017 (Part 2)
Our photopost series for Christmas continues; we have received a very large number of submissions, so once again, a reminder that if you don’t see yours here, they will be posted in the next one (or...
View ArticleTonsure, Minor Orders and Subdiaconal Ordination in Fréjus-Toulon
We interrupt our regularly scheduled Christmas photoposts (which will resume tomorrow) to bring you some photographs from our good friends of the Fraternity of St Joseph the Guardian. On December 23rd,...
View ArticlePicture of the Year 2017
As our last post of the year 2017, I would like to share with our readers once again this photo from our always popular Fostering Young Vocations series, of four boys dressed for Halloween as Saints of...
View ArticleThe Feast of the Circumcision 2018
He that is cut off (circumcisus) from the vices is deemed worthy of the vision of God, for the eyes of the Lord are upon the just. (Ps. 33, 16) You see that all the course of the old Law was a type of...
View ArticleChristmas 2017 Photopost (Part 3)
We begin the new year by finishing up some business from the old one, our final set of photos of your Christmas liturgies. We will also be doing one or more photoposts for Epiphany; a reminder will be...
View ArticleUsing Drone Warfare in the Battlefield of Sacred Music
I am wondering if the experiences of choir directors out there confirm an observation of mine about the power of a drone - that is, a note sung continuously alongside the melody - to help engage people...
View ArticleNLM Quiz no. 21: What is This Object’s Function?
I suspect that this quiz will prove to be quite difficult, so I will start with two clues. 1: The object shown in the photographs below does not have a liturgical function, properly speaking, but was...
View ArticleTime for the Soul to Absorb the Mysteries — Part 5: Concluding Reflections
Looking back over our survey of the classical rite of Mass (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4), we see that all of the elements we have considered produce the effect of a certain timelessness, of a...
View ArticleAnnouncing a New Website for Liturgical Theology with a Medieval Flair:...
Readers of New Liturgical Movement will undoubtedly have seen (and, I sincerely hope, read) the thought-provoking contributions made by guest author Zachary Thomas during the past year. (These would...
View ArticlePhotopost Request for Epiphany 2018
Our next major photopost will be for liturgies celebrated on the Epiphany, whether in the OF (Sunday, Jan. 7 in the United States) or the EF, or any of the Eastern Rites, Ordinariate Use, etc.; as...
View ArticleSpecial Chants for Epiphany 2018
Once again, our good friends of the Schola Sainte Cécile have posted on their website the current year’s Proclamation of the Movable Feasts, which is traditionally sung after the Gospel on the feast of...
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