Laying A Few More Bricks in Switzerland
Fr Zuhlsdorf likes to use the phrase “brick by brick” to describe the slow and often painstaking process of building back up the Church’s liturgical life after decades widespread neglect and abuse. So...
View ArticleLiturgical Notes on the Presentation of the Virgin Mary
The story of the Virgin Mary’s Presentation in the Temple comes to us not from Sacred Scripture, of course, but from some of the apocryphal Gospels. Although these are never read in the liturgy, some...
View ArticleThe Normativity of Ad Orientem Worship According to the Ordinary Form’s Rubrics
Ordinary Form Mass in Salt Lake City (Sacred Music Colloquium 2013)Today, most people who take a serious interest in liturgy know that celebrating Mass “facing the people” or versus populum was never...
View ArticleIntroducing USUARIUM, A Massive New Database of Liturgical Books
We are very pleased to share with our readers news of the publication of an new electronic database of liturgical books, USUARIUM. I have already had occasion to peruse the database, and examine some...
View ArticleFourth Video on the Mass from the Liturgical Institute, Mundelein
Here is the fourth in the series called The Elements of the Catholic Mass, produced by the Liturgical Institute at Mundelein and presented by its director, Fr Douglas Martis.This one is about the...
View ArticleMy Book of the Church's Year — A Children's Classic, Back in Print
Ever since I discovered Enid M. Chadwick's absolutely delightful, one-of-a-kind My Book of the Church's Year, I have been upset at the fact that it has long been out of print. The rare original copies...
View ArticleAdvent & Christmas Carol Services at the London Oratory and a concert
The Advent Musical Oratory is always held on the first Sunday of Advent at the Little Oratory in London and will take place this Sunday at 4.30pm. It is a service of Readings, Advent Hymns and Choral...
View ArticleA Call to Men in Parishes from Cardinal Burke - Join the Holy League
A friend in New Hampshire named Tom contacted me to tell me that he and another are establishing a Holy League in response to this call from Cardinal Burke.This is intended to create a network of...
View ArticleSt Catherine of Alexandria
Praesens dies expendatur in ejus praeconium, cujus virtus dilatatur in ore laudantium, si gestorum teneatur finis et initium.Imminente passione Virgo haec interserit: Assequatur, Jesu bone, quod a te...
View ArticleLumen Gentium - a new CD of music for Advent and Christmas
Lumen Gentium is a new CD by the Choir at Mater Dei FSSP Parish in Irving, Texas. The recording of music for Advent and Christmas is sung by the volunteer amateur singers of the choir, conducted by...
View ArticleEdward Pugin’s Tomb of Cardinal Wiseman
This article about the tomb of Nicholas Cardinal Wiseman, a work of Edward Pugin, was first published in the November 2015 issue of the magazine of Westminster Cathedral Oremus. The author, Mr Roderick...
View ArticleRestoring a Healthy Appetite for Beauty
A former mentor of mine, Dr. John Patrick, spent the better part of his career in the third world developing a protocol to rehabilitate starving children. Children would come to his clinic for...
View ArticleNine Lessons & Carols at St John the Evangelist, Calgary, Canada
Saint John the Evangelist, Calgary, Canada, a parish of the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of Saint Peter, will celebrate its annual Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols on Sunday, December 20, 2015,...
View ArticleOur Lady of the Garden Enclosed - New Website for Dutch Shrine and Hermitage
We have included in several of our photoposts images from the shrine of Our Lady of the Garden Enclosed in the village of Warfhuizen in the Netherlands. This shrine was formerly a protestant church,...
View ArticleNLM Quiz no. 17: What Is This, and Why Is It On a Church?
Here’s something to ponder about as you slip into a turkey-induced slumber. Our last quiz was back in January, so as a reminder of the procedure: Please give your answer in the combox, along with any...
View ArticleDenis McNamara on Church Architecture, part 7 - Sacred Images
Here is the seventh in the series of short videos by Prof. Denis McNamara, a member of the faculty of the Liturgical Institute, Mundelein; his book is Catholic Church Architecture and the Spirit of the...
View ArticleCarmelite Chapel and Choir Renovated in Loretto, PA
The Carmelite Monastery of Saint Thérèse in Loretto, Pennsylvania, in the Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown, recently received beautiful renovations to their public chapel and nun’s choir. Among the...
View ArticleThe World's Last Night
A reflection on the Second Coming by C.S. Lewis as we enter the season of Advent.
View ArticleThe First Sunday of Advent 2015
Looking from afar, behold I see the power of God coming, and a cloud covering all the land: * go ye to meet him and say: * Tell us if thou art the one, * who art to rule in the people of Israel.V. All...
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