Photopost Request: Nativity of Mary and Exaltation of the Holy Cross
Hello Readers, I will be creating another two photoposts this week! Tomorrow, we will be doing a post for the Nativity of Mary, and next Sunday for the Exaltation of the Holy Cross. If you will have...
View ArticleDecoding the Christian Temple: One-day Conference on Church Architecture at...
For those in the midwest (or willing to travel), I would like to let you know about an upcoming sacred Architecture conference coming up at the end of this month with a friend of the CMAA, Dr. Denis...
View ArticleLiturgical Notes on the Nativity of the Virgin Mary
Advent is considered the start of the Roman Rite’s liturgical year as a matter of logic and convention, but is not formally designated as such in the liturgy itself. In the Byzantine Rite, on the other...
View ArticleListen to This - Chant in English that Competes with Praise and Worship Music
I have been contacted by a seminarian based in Boston called Pat Fiorillo who directs the choir of a young adults group in Boston. He sent me this recording of his group of singing the Magnificat to...
View ArticleA New Greek-Catholic Cathedral in Romania
Just over a year ago, we reported on the beatification of Vladimir Ghika, a Romanian Greek-Catholic priest martyred in 1954. A church in which Mons. Ghika served in Bucharest has been elevated to the...
View ArticleA Report on Altar-Boy Camp from Taylor, SC
National Catholic Register has a great report by Mr Brian Mershon on a training camp held at Prince of Peace in Taylor, South Carolina in late July, an event which proved to be an enormous success,...
View ArticleFSSP Superior General Visiting Hong Kong
The Tridentine Liturgy Community of the Diocese of Hong Kong will welcome Fr. John Berg, Superior General of the Fraternity of St Peter, this Sunday, September 14th, 2014. He will celebrate a Solemn...
View ArticleEternal Memory: Fr. Robert Siu
Today before sunrise, Fr. Robert Siu has at last returned to his Lord. He is not a priest many of NLM's readers have heard of, and yet I feel compelled to write him a tribute on this page all the...
View ArticleRecent EF training in Mississippi
In the first week of September, at the invitation of the new bishop of Jackson (Mississippi, USA), the Most Reverend Joseph R. Kopacz, the Canons Regular of St. John Cantius gave a Sancta Missa Latin...
View ArticleThe Exaltation of the Cross
As the sacred pledge is revealed from Heaven, the faith of Christ is strengthened; the divine wonders are now present, that were first prefigured in the rod of Moses. V. At the touch of the Cross, the...
View ArticleWhat Does Opposition to the Traditional Mass Really Signify?
At the ordination of priests dedicated to theusus antiquior: Bp. Marc Aillet, June 28, 2014In the post-Summorum world, the ancient Roman Rite can no longer be considered forbidden, dubious, marginal,...
View ArticleThe Calculation of the September Ember Days (Reprint)
This article, which explains the difference between the traditional dating of the September Ember Days, and that currently used in the EF, was originally published in 2010. The discrepancy between the...
View ArticleSunday Vespers starting soon at the Oratory in Formation in DC
Sunday Vespers starting soon at the Oratory in Formation in DC:It is a long established custom in Oratorian communities to sing Vespers (Evening Prayer of the Church) on Sundays and major feasts. We...
View ArticleDoes the EF Have Too Much Pomp?
So often, I have heard it said that the Extraordinary Form of the Mass was filled with too much pomp, too many rules, and that it's not what Christ wanted, as if the Church was drastically departing...
View ArticleAnnouncing a Catholic Arts Conference for Fall 2016 in Omaha, Nebraska - Can...
There will be a conference for Catholic artists and patrons, covering painting, sculpture, architecture, music and film will take place in Omaha, Nebraska from October 27-29, 2016. Featured speakers...
View ArticlePhotopost - Nativity of Mary 2014
Although it fell on a weekday, we received several photos from readers from last Monday's feast of the Nativity of Mary, including some from the Divine Office, which is encouraging!VespersThe Brothers...
View ArticleTwo Articles of Potential Interest to NLM Readers
As a companion piece to my article here at NLM on Summorum Pontificum, I published over at One Peter Five a more "pastoral" consideration of where we stand, where we need to be going, and some of the...
View ArticleFr Louis Bouyer on the Liturgical Reform and Its Architects
Sandro Magister has just published on the website of L’Espresso an interesting account of the Mémoirs of Fr Louis Bouyer, the French convert and Oratorian priest who played so prominent a role in the...
View ArticleFSSP Mission Trip to Peru
Our thanks to Fr Daniel Heenen of the Fraternity of St Peter for sending us this account and some pictures of a recent mission trip to Peru. You can see more pictures by clicking here. The 3rd annual...
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