O happy Mary of happy merit, that first among mortals did merit to see the Son of God rising from the dead; for whose love thou disdained the blandishments of the world:
* by thy prayer, we ask thee, commend us to Him with diligence.
V. That with thee, o Lady, we may merit to enjoy his most happy presence.
By thy prayer... (
The eighth responsory of Matins of St Mary Magdalene in the Dominican Breviary.)
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The Risen Christ Appears to St Mary Magdalene, by Lavinia Fontana, 1581 |
R. O felix felícis mériti María, quae resurgentem a mórtuis Dei Filium vidére meruisti mortalium prima! Pro cujus amore, saeculi contempsisti blandimenta:
* sédula nos apud ipsum, quaesumus, prece commenda.
V. Ut tecum mereámur, o Dómina, pérfrui felicíssima ipsíus praesentia.