Channel: New Liturgical Movement
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FSSP Ordinations in Germany with Cardinal Burke

On Saturday, July 1st, the feast of the Precious Blood, His Eminence Raymond Cardinal Burke ordained seven deacons of the Fraternity of St Peter to the priesthood in the parish church at Lindenberg, a small town about five miles away from Wigratzbad. Here is a just a small selection (which as usual, was not easy to make among so many beautiful images) of the almost 200 photos posted by St Peter’s International Seminary, by whose courtesy we reproduce them here; the complete set can be seen via Googlephotos.

NLM is very happy to offer our heartiest congratulations to the newly ordained priests, Frs Laurent Déjean, Thibault Desjars de Keranrouë, Jakub Kaminski, Edouard Laurant, Henri Lefer, Štěpán Šrubař and Roland Weiß, to all of their friends and family, and to the Fraternity. In this season when so many priestly ordinations are taking place throughout the world, let us especially remember to thank God for all the blessings and mercies He gives us through the ministry of the priesthood, for the families in whom religious vocations are born and fostered, to pray for their increase, and for all of our bishops and clergy.

The Superior General of the FSSP, Fr John Berg, reads the call to orders.

The ordinands prostrate themselves at the Litany of the Saints.

Towards the end of the Litany of the Saints, the bishop rises, receives his crook and miter, then turns to the ordinands, and sings the invocations, “That Thou may deign to bless + these chosen ones. - That Thou may deign to bless + and sancti+fy these chosen ones. - That Thou may deign bless +, sancti+fy and conse+crate these chosen ones.”, making the sign of the Cross over them where I have put the + sign.

More than 80 priests were present and imposed hands on the ordinands, among them Fr Patrick du Faÿ, rector of the German seminary, who celebrates the 30th anniversary of his priestly ordination this year, and Fr Josef Bisig, one of the founders of the Fraternity, and current rector of the American seminary, celebrating his 40th anniversary.

The new ordained are clothed with the chasuble.

Until the end of the ceremony, the new priests’ chaubles are pinned up at the back; at the end of the ordination rite, they are unpinned by the bishop, as a symbol that he has released them to the exercise of their priestly ministry.

The anointing of hands
The traditio instrumentorum

Each of the newly ordained priests concelebrates Mass with the bishop, kneeling at a small desk with a Missal on it. They are traditionally accompanied by older priests to help them through the ceremony.

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