It is worthy and just that we give Thee thanks, Lord, holy Father, eternal and almighty God. Who devise Thy works in wisdom, and arrange all things in sweetness. Who ascended upon the West: the Lord is Thy name. Thou are the living and true Bread, who came down from heaven, to give food to the hungry; or rather, that Thou Thyself might be the food of the living, … for Thou dost satisfy Thy poor with the bread of heaven. To whom all the Angels and Archangels rightly do not cease to cry out every day, so saying: Holy, holy, holy… (
The Preface of the Mass of Corpus Christi in the Mozarabic Rite.)
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Genaro Pérez Villaamil - The Corpus Christi Procession inside Seville Cathedral, 1835 |
Dignum et justum est nos tibi gratias agere, Domine, sancte Pater, aeterne omnipotens Deus. Qui paras adinventiones tuas sapienter, et disponis omnia suaviter. Qui ascendisti super occasum: Dominus nomen est tibi. Tu panis es vivus et verus, qui descendisti de caelo, ut dares escam esurientibus; imo ut ipse esses esca viventium. … Quia pauperes tuos cœlestibus saturas panibus. Cui merito omnes Angeli et Archangeli non cessant clamare quotidie, ita dicentes: Sanctus…