I am happy to announce that, through the kindness of the author of Breviarium S.O.P. and Mr. Richard Chonak, I am now able to make available for download pdf versions of the edition of the Breviarium juxta Ritum S. Ordinis Praedicatorum published at the direction of Bl. Hyacinth Cornier, Master of the Order, in 1909. The download links for the two volumes are found on the left sidebar ofDominican Liturgy.
This edition was the last printing of the Dominican Breviary in its medieval format with the original Psalter. Later editions of the Breviary reflect the new Psalm arrangement mandated by Pope St. Pius X and have other modifications. This edition is especially useful because the layout of the text parallels that in modern Pre-Vatican-II Breviaries, something that makes it much easier to consult than the earlier versions. In his History of the Dominican Liturgy Fr. William Bonniwell, O.P. described this edition as "the finest edition of the Dominican breviary ever published."
When you go to download this file, do also check out our new offerings at Dominican Liturgy Publications.
This edition was the last printing of the Dominican Breviary in its medieval format with the original Psalter. Later editions of the Breviary reflect the new Psalm arrangement mandated by Pope St. Pius X and have other modifications. This edition is especially useful because the layout of the text parallels that in modern Pre-Vatican-II Breviaries, something that makes it much easier to consult than the earlier versions. In his History of the Dominican Liturgy Fr. William Bonniwell, O.P. described this edition as "the finest edition of the Dominican breviary ever published."
When you go to download this file, do also check out our new offerings at Dominican Liturgy Publications.