Readers in southern New England may want to know that Solemn Mass in the usus antiquior will be celebrated on Easter Sunday, April 5th, at Holy Ghost Church in Tiverton, Rhode Island, at 9:00 am. Barring any technical difficulties, the Mass will be live streamed; to watch, click HERE. A sung “Ordinary Form” Mass will follow.
All Masses at Holy Ghost are celebrated ad orientem and with the greatest decorum. The traditional Latin Mass is offered on the first Sunday of each month and on Monday evenings in Advent and Lent. Sunday OF Masses feature plainchant Ordinaries and Propers (in Latin and English), traditional hymns, and incense at the principal Mass. Extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion are just that: extraordinary (as in not ordinarily used), and the faithful may receive the Eucharist kneeling at the Communion rail if they so choose, without fear of reprimand from Father Getwithit.
All Masses at Holy Ghost are celebrated ad orientem and with the greatest decorum. The traditional Latin Mass is offered on the first Sunday of each month and on Monday evenings in Advent and Lent. Sunday OF Masses feature plainchant Ordinaries and Propers (in Latin and English), traditional hymns, and incense at the principal Mass. Extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion are just that: extraordinary (as in not ordinarily used), and the faithful may receive the Eucharist kneeling at the Communion rail if they so choose, without fear of reprimand from Father Getwithit.