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Program for the Fourth "Summorum Pontificum" Conference in Rome.

The Italian organizations “Amicizia Sacerdotale Summorum Pontificum” and “Giovani e Tradizione”have announced the program of their Fourth Conference on the motu proprio Summorum Pontificum, to be held on June 13 and 14 this year, at the Pontifical University of St Thomas in Rome, (the Angelicum). The conference is titled “A Treasure for the Whole Church.” I was fortunate enough to be able to attend this conference in 2011, and it was an extraordinary event; this year’s conference looks to be just as interesting.

Saturday, June 13

Church of Ss. Dominic and Sixtus (at the Angelicum)
8:30 a.m. : Prelatitial Mass celebrated by His Eminence, Raymond Leo Card. Burke, Patron of the Sovereign Military Order of the Knights of Malta.

In the Aula Minor
9:15 a.m. : Reception and enrollment of the participants
9:45 a.m. : Presentation of the conference by Fr. Vincenzo M. Nuara O.P., Moderator of the Association “Amicizia Sacerdotale Summorum Pontificum” and honorary President of “Giovani e Tradizione.”

morning session

10:00 a.m. : Introduction by Cardinal Burke, “Tradition as the Foundation of Catholic Liturgy.”

10:30 a.m. : “Lex orandi-lex credendi in the Motu proprio Summorum Pontificum: A Theological Approach”, by Prof. Dom Cassian Folsom, O.S.B. of the Pontifical Atheneum of Saint Anselmo in Rome).

11.30 a.m. : “Justice, Religion, True Worship: the Perspectiv of Saint Thomas Aquinas”, Prof. Giovanni Turco (Università degli Studi of Udine)

12.10 p.m. : “Worship in Spirit and in Truth: Liturgy and Symbolism”, Don Marino Neri (Università degli Studi of Pavia)

1.00 p.m. : lunch break

afternoon session

3.30 p.m. : Introduction by His Eminence Gerhard Ludwig Card.  Müller, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, and President of the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei: “Tradition as the Basic Principle of Catholic Theology.”

4.00 p.m. : “Where Heaven is Opened: the Paleochristian Altare in Liturgy and Art”, Prof. Mons. Stefan Heid (Pontifical Institute for Christian Archeology in Rome).

5.00 p.m. : “The Dwelling of God Among Men : The Altar and It s Treasures”, Mons. Marco Agostini (Secreteriate of State of Vatican City).
5.30 p.m. : “The Treasure of the Altar: The Ineffable Majesty of Holy Communion” His Excellency Athanasius Schneider, Auxiliary Bishop of the diocese of Maria Santissima in Astana
6.10 p.m. : Conclusions

Church of Ss. Dominic and Sixtus
6:30 p.m. : Chant of the Te Deum, and Eucharistic Benediction, celebrated by His Eminence Walter Card. Brandmüller, President Emeritus of the Pontifical Committee for Historical Sciences

Sunday, June 14 (Third Sunday after Pentecost)
At the basilica of Saint Peter, Solemn Pontifical Mass, celebrated by His Eminence Velasio Card. De Paolis, President Emeritus of the Prefecture for the Economic Affairs of the Holy See. The choir of Trinità dei Monti in Rome, directed by Mons. Ildebrando Mura, will sing the Mass for Four Voices of Domenico Scarlatti. (The Mass will be held in the morning, the precise time will be announced as soon as it has been established.)

Seat of the Conference : Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinus (Angelicum)
Largo Angelicum, 1 – 00184 ROMA – tel. +39.06.67021 – www.pust.it
To contact the organizers : www.giovanietradizione.org
email: info@giovanietradizione.org; amiciziasacerdotale@gmail.com

N.B. Enrollment for the conference can be done on-line at the website of the Association Giovani e Tradizione linked above. The enrollment fee is 20 euros; a light lunch is included.

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