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As Lent is now underway and preparations for Holy Week will soon be upon us, I want to remind readers that Dominican Liturgy Publications has made available in attractive hardback format the Dominican chant for the Passion of St. Matthew and the Passion of St. John, which are respectively those for Palm Sunday and Good Friday in the traditional Dominican Rite.
This book reproduces the beautifully calligraphic texts published by the Order in 1953, with minor modifications to conform to the versions of the Passions prescribed by the rubrics of 1962. Those planning to use this book liturgically should order three copies, one each for the Narrator, Christus, and the Turba. As a special offer, the price has been discounted to $25.00 a copy.
A sample page (from St. Matthew) is to the left above.Image may be NSFW.
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This book reproduces the beautifully calligraphic texts published by the Order in 1953, with minor modifications to conform to the versions of the Passions prescribed by the rubrics of 1962. Those planning to use this book liturgically should order three copies, one each for the Narrator, Christus, and the Turba. As a special offer, the price has been discounted to $25.00 a copy.
A sample page (from St. Matthew) is to the left above.Image may be NSFW.
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