The upcoming issue of Sacred Music features many excellent new essays, including a particularly insightful essay by Harold Boatrite, a few essays about "Viennese Masses", and an article by Dr. John Pepino about Louis Bouyer.
There are also some important announcements from the CMAA at the very tail end of the issue, which I cross-link here for convenience.
There are also some important announcements from the CMAA at the very tail end of the issue, which I cross-link here for convenience.
Yearly subscriptions are part of a CMAA annual membership and are available here.
For those who have yet to renew your membership, you may do so here, or by submitting the renewal envelope in the issue.
The new issue should arrive in mailboxes soon!
The new issue should arrive in mailboxes soon!
- Participation | William Mahrt
- Louis Bouyer and the Pauline Reform: Great Expectations Dashed | John Pepino
- Beyond the “Viennese Mass”: Thoughts on the History, Use, and Modern Understanding of the Eighteenth-Century Austro-German Orchestral Mass Repertoire | Erick Arenas
- Problems in Church Music in Late Eighteenth-Century Vienna and Their Relevance for Catholic Church Musicians Today | Jane Schatkin Hettrick
- Aural Asceticism: The History and Spiritual Fruits of Silencing the Organ During Certain Liturgies | Jennifer Donelson
- A Stunning Pentecost Motet: Jacobus Gallus’ Factus est repente | William Mahrt
- Art and Its Replacements | Harold Boatrite
- Announcing the St. Cecilia Academy for Pastoral Musicians: An Interview with Father Matthew Ernest | Mary Jane Ballou
- Mystic Modern: The Music, Thought, and Legacy of Charles Tournemire | New CMAA Publication
- Introducing the CMAA Annual Fund
- CMAA Colloquium XXV