In Bethlehem features unaccompanied sacred vocal music sung by five ladies in high school and college. Formed at the parish of Sacred Heart of Jesus in Grand Rapids, Michigan, the Schola Sancta Caecilia has been singing for the Extraordinary Form Mass since 2012. While the members are young, their approach to the music is very mature. This CD, recorded at the Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic church, features hymns and chant for the seasons of Advent and Christmas.
For blend, balance, intonation and sheer beauty the Schola Sancta Caecilia is a group to watch carefully. A true musical gem from the Great Lakes State.[Kurt Poterack, Adjunct Professor of Music Director, Choir and Schola Gregoriana Christendom College]
Another wonderful CD by the Schola Sancta Caecilia. A full array of genres from chant to folk melodies are performed with a stark beauty that stands as a welcome alternative to the typical Christmas fare heard on the radio. These young women have provided us a beautiful album that should find its way onto everyone's shelf.The Schola continues to grow and change, as Director Stephanie Pestana attends Michigan State University, two members leave for religious life at the Community of St. John and the Benedictines of Mary, and new members from the parish join to fill the ranks. CDs and downloads are available now on CDBaby, iTunes and Amazon. All proceeds from the sale of the CD will go to the Sacred Heart of Jesus music program. A short video of the recording session for “In Bethlehem” is available below:[Heath Morber, Director of Music, St. John's Catholic Newman Center Champaign, IL]