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Support an FSSP Seminarian in Need

Many readers of the NLM have likely been profoundly impacted by the work of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter, whether in person, or by way of example and inspiration.
Here's an opportunity to give back to the FSSP for all that it has done for so many, as well as the opportunity to support a man who has entered the path of formation on his way to the priesthood.

From the "Go Fund Me" website:

Michael Cunningham is a fourth year seminarian at the FSSP seminary in Denton, Nebraska. I am seeking assistance to help pay Mike's past due tuition of $6,000.00 and the $7,000.00 currently due. FSSP seminarians are required to pay a large part of their tuition. I first met Mike in the summer of 2013 when he came to assist at our FSSP parish in Littleton, Colorado. After a few conversations with Mike, it became obvious to me and many fellow parishoners that Mike was a sincere servant of God , dedicated to saving souls. I've since met Mike's siblings, and I've learned that their father, a US Navy corpsman, passed away from the effects of Agent Orange in 2007. Mike's mother Donna, who is on a fixed income is his primary benefactor. Would you please consider contributing to Mike's tuition?

The Fraternity of St. Peter depends entirely on your gifts. 

*If you would rather give directly to Michael Cunningham's tuition at the FSSP seminary, make checks payable to OLG Seminary and put a note on it that it is to go towards Mike Cunningham's tuition. The checks may be sent to:

Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary
7880 W Denton Rd
Denton, Nebraska 68339-0147

Readers would be interested to see something of Michael's work, in conjunction with diocesan priests in South Carolina.  During July, under the leadership of Fr. Christopher Smith, pastor of Prince of Peace Catholic Church in Taylors, SC, Mr. Cunningham was part of a camp for altar boys which drew 62 children from near and far to learn how to serve the Extraordinary Form of the Mass. The camp was the subject of a recent article in the National Catholic Register.

Parishes dedicated solely to the traditional Latin Mass and sacraments periodically host altar-boy camps and training sessions, but a diocesan parish hosting one in the midst of South Carolina and drawing more than 60 boys is unique.

“Although I am sure that communities like the FSSP could probably do a better job at training the kids, I think that exposing young people in diocesan parishes to the riches of the extraordinary form can only be beneficial to the Church and to the spread of the Latin Mass,” Father Smith said.

FSSP seminarian Cunningham agreed. “Diocesan parishes are the heartbeat of the Church, and they are where the vast majority of Catholics attend Mass,” he said. “This venue gives a much-needed opportunity for both Catholics who prefer the ancient rite along with those who primarily attend the ordinary form to meet and interact with each other.”

The participating boys were equally enthusiastic about their experiences with celebrating both forms of the Mass.

“I really enjoyed learning the low Mass rite,” said Vincent Ortiz, 9, son of Ivan and Christine Ortiz, parishioners at St. Sebastian Catholic Church in North Canton, Ohio. “I had only participated in the high Mass as an altar boy.”

Added the altar boy, “I also liked learning how to stand and genuflect. It was fun when they used a book to teach us those things.”

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