I have received notice of the speaker schedule for the coming academic year for series jointly sponsored by the Catholic Artist Society and the Thomistic Institute in New York City. The series, called the Art of the Beautiful - Redeeming Culture in Christ begins with a lecture from Fr John Saward on October 11th called, intriguingly the Poverty of the Church and the Beauty of the Liturgy. Fr John is the author of a number of great books on beauty, culture and art and perhaps most well known is the Holiness of Beauty and the Beauty of Holiness (which has to be one of the best book titles ever).
Other speakers in an impressive line-up are my colleague Dr Ryan Topping of Thomas More College of Liberal Arts, Thomas Hibbs of Baylor University, Julia Yost of Yale University; Fr Bruno Shah of the University of Virginia and the final speaker in March is Bishop James D Conley from Lincoln, NE.
Talks take place at the Catholic Center at NYU, Thompson Street in Manhattan. Their website, for further information, is www.catholicartistssociety.org/