Channel: New Liturgical Movement
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Juventutem Updates - Mass at MIT, New Affiliates, Meeting with Fr. de Malleray

Following the recent meet-up at the March for Life (previous NLM coverage here), there are now 11 affiliates of the FIJ in the USA, including the recently added chapters in New Hampshire, New York City, Trenton, and Southern Maryland.

On Sunday afternoon, March 16th, after attending FSSP ordinations in Lincoln, Fr. de Malleray, FSSP, the ecclesiastical assistant of the Fœderatio Internationalis Juventutem, will be making himself available to leaders of the Juventutem young adult movement at St. John Cantius, Chicago.

Following the 12:30 p.m. High Mass and 2:00 p.m. Vespers, Chicago young adults and Juventutem leaders from around the country are welcome to gather with Fr. C. Frank Phillips CR and Fr. de Malleray for an afternoon of food and fellowship.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/243568765825977/
Questions: secretary@juventutem.org

About 150 people crammed into MIT's interfaith chapel, some standing in the aisles and in the vestibules, for the Tech Catholic Community's first ever Extraordinary Form Mass, co-sponsored by Juventutem Boston. Many thanks are due to Fr. John Cassani for celebrating a beautiful Solemn High Mass, Fr. Kwang Lee for giving the homily, and Fr. Richard Clancy, MIT's chaplain, for making this Mass possible.

After the success of Masses just up the road at the Harvard Catholic Center, students at Harvard and MIT (all of whom are organizers of Juventutem Boston) conceived of the idea for an MIT Mass in the fall of 2013. The group soon secured the gracious approval of Fr. Clancy, and selected a tentative date in the following semester, February 9, 2013. The organizers then investigated the challenges posed by the unique architecture of the chapel, a cylindrical building designed by Eero Saarinen in the 1950s, and it was determined that the space would be able to accommodate a Solemn High Mass. The next several weeks were spent organizing the logistics of the Mass, from various sacristy needs to the music. (A young-adult schola directed by John Salisbury of Schola Amicorum led the congregation in singing Missa De Angelis.) The result was a beautiful Mass that opened a new space to the Extraordinary Form and exposed many people to the TLM for the first time.

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