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2014 Cenacle of the Family of St. Jerome: July 31-August 5 in Mobile, Alabama

Perhaps one of the best kept secrets in the Living Latin movement is the Family of St. Jerome.  The website of the Miami chapter describes the group as:

[...] a canonical association dedicated to the advancement of the Latin heritage of the Catholic Church, as it is reflected in the Church’s liturgy, in its sacred music, in its devotional life, in its official documents, and in its propagation of the Faith.

This heritage is of the greatest value, as Pope John XXIII affirmed in his Apostolic Constitution, Veterum Sapientia. It is a continual sign of the Church’s establishment by God on the rock of Peter in Rome. It has helped to give the Church a splendid ability to attract, unite, and sanctify the faithful of every nation and culture of the world.

It is essential for the preservation of this heritage that the Latin language itself, which is the bearer of that heritage, be USED. Pope Paul VI stated that those who are willing to devote themselves to learning, using and advancing Latin as a living language, do a great service to the Church.

The members of the Family of Saint Jerome must also promise loyalty to the Holy Father, and must commit themselves to strive for holiness by following the example of the Saints.

Members of Juventutem Miami are embarking on their second semester of work with one of the group's founders, Andrew Meszaros. In our bi-monthly meetings we'll be focusing this semester on the terminology and grammar of the Divine Office so as better to be able to pray the office in Latin.

The Family of St. Jerome holds a yearly cenacle which immerses participants in Latin and prayer for a whole week. All conversation, lectures, activities, liturgies, and recreation are in Latin.  Here's a video about the cenacle from an EWTN interview with one of the FSH's leaders, Jan Halisky.

The complete interview with Mr. Halisky is available here.

Their cenacle this year will be held at Visitation Monastery in Mobile, Alabama from July 31-August 5. The very reasonable price of $300, which includes meals, private room and bath, and all activities/instruction makes the week affordable to many, including families.

The brochure with more information can be downloaded here.

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