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Flos de Radice Jesse - Christmas Music from Louisville, Kentucky.

We received from Fr. Paul Beach of St. Martin of Tour parish in Louisville, Kentucky, notice of this recording of the motet Flos de Radice Jesse by Michael Praetorius, sung by the parish choir under the direction of Dr. Paul Weber. This recording was made before the Midnight Mass of Christmas; our congratulations on very fine piece of work, and thanks for calling it to our attention!

Flos de radice Jesse, est natus hodie.
Quem nobis jam adesse, laetamur unice.
      Flos ille Jesus est.
Maria Virgo radix de qua flos ortus est.

Hunc Isaias florem, praesagus cecinit.
Ad ejus nos amorem, Nascentis allicit.
      Flos virgam superat
coeli terraeque cives, Flos ille recreat.

Hic suo flos odore, fideles attrahit.
Divino mox amore, attractos imbuit.
      O flos o gratia:
ad te suspiro, de te me satia.

translation : A flower from the root of Jesse is born today
And we rejoice particularly that He is now with us.
That flower is Jesus
The Virgo Mary is the root from which the flower comes forth.

Isaiah sang in prophecy of this flower.
He draws us to the love of Him that is born.
The flower is greater than the branch;
That flower renews all that dwell in heaven and on earth.

This flower draws the faithful with its perfume,
and having drawn them, fills them with God’s love.
O flower, o grace,
I long for Thee; fulfill me of Thyself.

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