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A Note on the Mozarabic "Alleluja" - In Answer to a Reader

I had occasion to mention in a recent article that in the Mozarabic Mass, Alleluja is sung after the Gospel, rather than before it. A reader then asked in the combox why this is so. Lest the answer be lost forever in the wilderness of paleo-commenting… (with my thanks to Fr. Salvador Aguilera, one of the authors of the Spanish-language liturgical blog lex orandi)

The Mozarabic Mass actually has two Allelujas, both of which are sung as a proclamation of, and act of thanksgiving for, the presence of Christ in the liturgy, both in the Word of God and in the Sacrament of the Altar. It turns out that this is not a discovery which was made in 1965.

The first of these Allelujas, after the Gospel is called a Lauda; that of last Sunday, the Second of Advent in the Mozarabic Rite, is as follows:
Alleluja. V. Deus convertens vivificabis nos: et plebs tua letabitur in te. Alleluja.
(O God, turning Thou shalt give us life, and Thy people shall rejoice in Thee.)
The second is almost invariable through out the year, and corresponds roughly to the Communion antiphon of the Roman Rite.
Refecti Christi corpore et sanguine, te laudamus Domine. Alleluja: alleluja: alleluja. (Refreshed by the Body and Blood of Christ, we praise Thee, o Lord.)
The Mozarabic Mass also has a chant called the “Cantus ad Accedentes – the chant as they come forth”, which is sung in roughly the place of the Roman Agnus Dei, as the priest makes his Communion, and prepares to distribute the Sacrament to the faithful. The full text is as follows; note the slightly longer form of the doxology, “Glory and honor to the Father etc.” The Mozarabic liturgy also uses a different text of the Psalms from that found in the Clementine Vulgate and the Roman Breviary.
Gustate et videte quam suavis est Dominus, alleluja: alleluja: alleluja. V. Benedicam Dominum in omni tempore: semper laus ejus in ore meo. Alleluja: alleluja: alleluja. V. Redimet Dominus animas servorum suorum: et non derelinquet omnes qui sperant in cum. Alleluja: alleluja: alleluja. V. Gloria et honor Patri et Filio et Spiritui Sancto in secula seculorum. Amen. Alleluja: alleluja: alleluja.
(Taste and see how sweet is the Lord. I will bless the Lord at all times, His praise always in my mouth. The Lord will redeem the souls of His servants, and will not abandon any that hope in Him. Glory and honor etc.)

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