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Dominican Rite Masses in the California Bay Area

Dominican Rite Mass at St. Albert the Great Priory
Those readers who live in the San Francisco Bay Area may be interested in local celebrations of the Traditional Dominican Rite. This academic semester, they will be occurring in four different venues, three in the East Bay and one in San Francisco proper. These Masses are celebrated by priests of the Western Dominican Province and usually served by student brothers of that province. All celebrations are open to the public. 


Saint Albert the Great Priory (Dominican House of Studies), Oakland CA                Chapel Entrance: 6172 Chabot Road, Oakland CA 94618
      Dominican Missa Cantata (Immaculate Heart), First Saturdays, 10 a.m:
           Oct. 5, Nov. 2 (All Souls Mass), Dec. 7

Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology, Berkeley CA
           2301 Vine St, Berkeley, CA 94708
      Dominican Low Mass, third Thursday of the month, 5:15 p.m:
           Sept. 19, Oct. 17, Nov. 21, Dec. 19 

Carmel of the Holy Family of Jesus Mary and Joseph, Canyon CA
      Off Pinehurst Road, Canyon, CA 94516 (directions below at *)
            Sunday (Missa Cantata), normally Extraordinary Form Roman (times vary)                  Dominican: third (9:30 a.m.) and fourth (10 a.m.) Sundays  of the month:                  Sept. 15, 22; Oct. 20, 27; Nov 17, 24; Dec. 15, 22
         Weekdays (Low Mass), mostly Extraordinary Form Roman (times vary)                  Dominican: Tuesdays and Fridays, 7:45 a.m., most weeks:
                  Sep. 13, 17, 20, 24, 27; Oct. 1, 4, 8, 11, 15, 18, 29; Nov. 1, 5, 8, 12, 15, 19,                  22, 26, 29; Dec. 3, 6; 10, 13, 17, 20, 27


 Star of the Sea Church, San Francisco CA
           4420 Geary Boulevard, San Francisco 94118
       Dominican Low Mass, 6:30 p.m:
           Oct. 4 (Fri.), 7 (Mon.), Nov. 6 (Wed.), Dec. 12 (Thu.), Dec. 17 (Tue.)
       Dominican Missa Cantata (or possible Dominican Solemn Mass)
            Dec. 8, Sunday, 11 a.m. (Immaculate Conception)
            Dec. 18, Wednesday, 6:30 p.m. (Rorate Mass, Advent Ember Day)

Those attending these Masses may wish to purchase their own copies of the Dominican Rite Pew Booklet with the Ordinary of the Mass in Latin and English.  One may do so at Dominican Rite Publications.

 Elsewhere in the Western Dominican Province, the traditional Dominican Rite is celebrated regularly at: Holy Family Cathedral (weekly), Anchorage AK, Holy Rosary Church (monthly), Portland OR, and Blessed Sacrament Church (quarterly), Seattle WA.  Contact these churches for specific dates and times.

 *How to find Canyon Carmel, which has no street number and is on a private road: from Canyon U.S. Post Office (99 Pinehurst Road), go north about one half mile to “McClosker Farm Road” on right (easy to miss); take this mostly gravel road up to the right turn onto “Old Home Farm Road,” which is signed for “Carmel.” It ends in the parking lot of the monastery.

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