Recently it came mind that we are fast approaching the annual Chartres Pilgrimage (see above) which, this year, will take place from May 18-20th. In the same vein, we have often reported on other pilgrimages which have been inspired by the Chartres Pilgrimage, including one in Michigan.
Recently, they sent us this announcement:
Pentecost Pilgrimage for Christian Culture
Juventutem is an international group of young adult Catholics (aged 18-35) who pursue holiness by attending the Traditional Latin Mass and by tapping into other timeless traditions of the Faith. Over Pentecost weekend, Juventutem Michigan is organizing a "midwestern Chartres" pilgrimage in West Michigan, within easy reach of Catholics from Chicago, Detroit, or Indianapolis:
The Pentecost Pilgrimage for Christian Culture will begin at St. Mary Catholic Church in Lowell, MI. At 12:30 p.m. on Pentecost Sunday, May 19th, Msgr. Edward Hankiewicz of the Diocese of Grand Rapids will celebrate a Missa Cantata for the pilgrims. Departing after Mass, the young adults will pilgrimage east along trails near the Grand River, camping for the night past Ionia State Park. 33 miles later, they will arrive at St. Mary, Westphalia, MI, where Fr. James Conlon of the Diocese of Lansing will celebrate the closing TLM on the afternoon of Pentecost Monday, May 20th. Fr. Pieter van Rooyen of the Diocese of Lansing will serve as the pilgrimage chaplain. Registration cost: $40.00
Questions / PayPal: contact@JuventutemMichigan.com
RSVP at: https://www.facebook.com/events/428875073872441/